
1// This file was generated by gir (
2// from gir-files (
5use crate::{ffi, BuilderScope, ListItemFactory};
6use glib::{prelude::*, translate::*};
8glib::wrapper! {
9    /// [`BuilderListItemFactory`][crate::BuilderListItemFactory] is a [`ListItemFactory`][crate::ListItemFactory] that creates
10    /// widgets by instantiating [`Builder`][crate::Builder] UI templates.
11    ///
12    /// The templates must extend the class that the parent widget expects.
13    /// For example, a factory provided to [`factory`][struct@crate::ListView#factory] must have
14    /// a template that extends [`ListItem`][crate::ListItem].
15    ///
16    /// Templates typically use [`Expression`][crate::Expression]s to obtain data from the items
17    /// in the model.
18    ///
19    /// Example:
20    /// ```xml
21    ///   <interface>
22    ///     <template class="GtkListItem">
23    ///       <property name="child">
24    ///         <object class="GtkLabel">
25    ///           <property name="xalign">0</property>
26    ///           <binding name="label">
27    ///             <lookup name="name" type="SettingsKey">
28    ///               <lookup name="item">GtkListItem</lookup>
29    ///             </lookup>
30    ///           </binding>
31    ///         </object>
32    ///       </property>
33    ///     </template>
34    ///   </interface>
35    /// ```
36    ///
37    /// ## Properties
38    ///
39    ///
40    /// #### `bytes`
41    ///  `GBytes` containing the UI definition.
42    ///
43    /// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
44    ///
45    ///
46    /// #### `resource`
47    ///  Path of the resource containing the UI definition.
48    ///
49    /// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
50    ///
51    ///
52    /// #### `scope`
53    ///  [`BuilderScope`][crate::BuilderScope] to use when instantiating listitems
54    ///
55    /// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
56    ///
57    /// # Implements
58    ///
59    /// [`ListItemFactoryExt`][trait@crate::prelude::ListItemFactoryExt], [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`]
60    #[doc(alias = "GtkBuilderListItemFactory")]
61    pub struct BuilderListItemFactory(Object<ffi::GtkBuilderListItemFactory, ffi::GtkBuilderListItemFactoryClass>) @extends ListItemFactory;
63    match fn {
64        type_ => || ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_type(),
65    }
68impl BuilderListItemFactory {
69    /// Creates a new [`BuilderListItemFactory`][crate::BuilderListItemFactory] that instantiates widgets
70    /// using @bytes as the data to pass to [`Builder`][crate::Builder].
71    /// ## `scope`
72    /// A scope to use when instantiating
73    /// ## `bytes`
74    /// the `GBytes` containing the ui file to instantiate
75    ///
76    /// # Returns
77    ///
78    /// a new [`BuilderListItemFactory`][crate::BuilderListItemFactory]
79    #[doc(alias = "gtk_builder_list_item_factory_new_from_bytes")]
80    #[doc(alias = "new_from_bytes")]
81    pub fn from_bytes(
82        scope: Option<&impl IsA<BuilderScope>>,
83        bytes: &glib::Bytes,
84    ) -> BuilderListItemFactory {
85        assert_initialized_main_thread!();
86        unsafe {
87            ListItemFactory::from_glib_full(ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_new_from_bytes(
88      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
89                bytes.to_glib_none().0,
90            ))
91            .unsafe_cast()
92        }
93    }
95    /// Creates a new [`BuilderListItemFactory`][crate::BuilderListItemFactory] that instantiates widgets
96    /// using data read from the given @resource_path to pass to [`Builder`][crate::Builder].
97    /// ## `scope`
98    /// A scope to use when instantiating
99    /// ## `resource_path`
100    /// valid path to a resource that contains the data
101    ///
102    /// # Returns
103    ///
104    /// a new [`BuilderListItemFactory`][crate::BuilderListItemFactory]
105    #[doc(alias = "gtk_builder_list_item_factory_new_from_resource")]
106    #[doc(alias = "new_from_resource")]
107    pub fn from_resource(
108        scope: Option<&impl IsA<BuilderScope>>,
109        resource_path: &str,
110    ) -> BuilderListItemFactory {
111        assert_initialized_main_thread!();
112        unsafe {
113            ListItemFactory::from_glib_full(ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_new_from_resource(
114      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
115                resource_path.to_glib_none().0,
116            ))
117            .unsafe_cast()
118        }
119    }
121    /// Gets the data used as the [`Builder`][crate::Builder] UI template for constructing
122    /// listitems.
123    ///
124    /// # Returns
125    ///
126    /// The [`Builder`][crate::Builder] data
127    #[doc(alias = "gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_bytes")]
128    #[doc(alias = "get_bytes")]
129    pub fn bytes(&self) -> glib::Bytes {
130        unsafe {
131            from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_bytes(
132                self.to_glib_none().0,
133            ))
134        }
135    }
137    /// If the data references a resource, gets the path of that resource.
138    ///
139    /// # Returns
140    ///
141    /// The path to the resource
142    #[doc(alias = "gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_resource")]
143    #[doc(alias = "get_resource")]
144    pub fn resource(&self) -> Option<glib::GString> {
145        unsafe {
146            from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_resource(
147                self.to_glib_none().0,
148            ))
149        }
150    }
152    /// Gets the scope used when constructing listitems.
153    ///
154    /// # Returns
155    ///
156    /// The scope used when constructing listitems
157    #[doc(alias = "gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_scope")]
158    #[doc(alias = "get_scope")]
159    pub fn scope(&self) -> Option<BuilderScope> {
160        unsafe {
161            from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_builder_list_item_factory_get_scope(
162                self.to_glib_none().0,
163            ))
164        }
165    }