
1// This file was generated by gir (
2// from gir-files (
5use crate::{ffi, TextBuffer};
6use glib::{prelude::*, translate::*};
8glib::wrapper! {
9    /// A [`TextMark`][crate::TextMark] is a position in a `GtkTextbuffer` that is preserved
10    /// across modifications.
11    ///
12    /// You may wish to begin by reading the
13    /// [text widget conceptual overview](section-text-widget.html),
14    /// which gives an overview of all the objects and data types
15    /// related to the text widget and how they work together.
16    ///
17    /// A [`TextMark`][crate::TextMark] is like a bookmark in a text buffer; it preserves
18    /// a position in the text. You can convert the mark to an iterator using
19    /// [`TextBufferExt::iter_at_mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::iter_at_mark()]. Unlike iterators, marks remain
20    /// valid across buffer mutations, because their behavior is defined when
21    /// text is inserted or deleted. When text containing a mark is deleted,
22    /// the mark remains in the position originally occupied by the deleted
23    /// text. When text is inserted at a mark, a mark with “left gravity” will
24    /// be moved to the beginning of the newly-inserted text, and a mark with
25    /// “right gravity” will be moved to the end.
26    ///
27    /// Note that “left” and “right” here refer to logical direction (left
28    /// is the toward the start of the buffer); in some languages such as
29    /// Hebrew the logically-leftmost text is not actually on the left when
30    /// displayed.
31    ///
32    /// Marks are reference counted, but the reference count only controls
33    /// the validity of the memory; marks can be deleted from the buffer at
34    /// any time with [`TextBufferExt::delete_mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::delete_mark()]. Once deleted from
35    /// the buffer, a mark is essentially useless.
36    ///
37    /// Marks optionally have names; these can be convenient to avoid passing
38    /// the [`TextMark`][crate::TextMark] object around.
39    ///
40    /// Marks are typically created using the [`TextBufferExt::create_mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::create_mark()]
41    /// function.
42    ///
43    /// ## Properties
44    ///
45    ///
46    /// #### `left-gravity`
47    ///  Whether the mark has left gravity.
48    ///
49    /// When text is inserted at the mark’s current location, if the mark
50    /// has left gravity it will be moved to the left of the newly-inserted
51    /// text, otherwise to the right.
52    ///
53    /// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
54    ///
55    ///
56    /// #### `name`
57    ///  The name of the mark or [`None`] if the mark is anonymous.
58    ///
59    /// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
60    ///
61    /// # Implements
62    ///
63    /// [`TextMarkExt`][trait@crate::prelude::TextMarkExt], [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`]
64    #[doc(alias = "GtkTextMark")]
65    pub struct TextMark(Object<ffi::GtkTextMark, ffi::GtkTextMarkClass>);
67    match fn {
68        type_ => || ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_type(),
69    }
72impl TextMark {
73    pub const NONE: Option<&'static TextMark> = None;
75    /// Creates a text mark.
76    ///
77    /// Add it to a buffer using [`TextBufferExt::add_mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::add_mark()].
78    /// If @name is [`None`], the mark is anonymous; otherwise, the mark can be
79    /// retrieved by name using [`TextBufferExt::mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::mark()]. If a mark
80    /// has left gravity, and text is inserted at the mark’s current location,
81    /// the mark will be moved to the left of the newly-inserted text. If the
82    /// mark has right gravity (@left_gravity = [`false`]), the mark will end up
83    /// on the right of newly-inserted text. The standard left-to-right cursor
84    /// is a mark with right gravity (when you type, the cursor stays on the
85    /// right side of the text you’re typing).
86    /// ## `name`
87    /// mark name
88    /// ## `left_gravity`
89    /// whether the mark should have left gravity
90    ///
91    /// # Returns
92    ///
93    /// new [`TextMark`][crate::TextMark]
94    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_new")]
95    pub fn new(name: Option<&str>, left_gravity: bool) -> TextMark {
96        assert_initialized_main_thread!();
97        unsafe {
98            from_glib_full(ffi::gtk_text_mark_new(
99                name.to_glib_none().0,
100                left_gravity.into_glib(),
101            ))
102        }
103    }
105    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
106    /// Creates a new builder-pattern struct instance to construct [`TextMark`] objects.
107    ///
108    /// This method returns an instance of [`TextMarkBuilder`](crate::builders::TextMarkBuilder) which can be used to create [`TextMark`] objects.
109    pub fn builder() -> TextMarkBuilder {
110        TextMarkBuilder::new()
111    }
114impl Default for TextMark {
115    fn default() -> Self {
116        glib::object::Object::new::<Self>()
117    }
120// rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
121/// A [builder-pattern] type to construct [`TextMark`] objects.
123/// [builder-pattern]:
124#[must_use = "The builder must be built to be used"]
125pub struct TextMarkBuilder {
126    builder: glib::object::ObjectBuilder<'static, TextMark>,
129impl TextMarkBuilder {
130    fn new() -> Self {
131        Self {
132            builder: glib::object::Object::builder(),
133        }
134    }
136    /// Whether the mark has left gravity.
137    ///
138    /// When text is inserted at the mark’s current location, if the mark
139    /// has left gravity it will be moved to the left of the newly-inserted
140    /// text, otherwise to the right.
141    pub fn left_gravity(self, left_gravity: bool) -> Self {
142        Self {
143            builder:"left-gravity", left_gravity),
144        }
145    }
147    /// The name of the mark or [`None`] if the mark is anonymous.
148    pub fn name(self, name: impl Into<glib::GString>) -> Self {
149        Self {
150            builder:"name", name.into()),
151        }
152    }
154    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
155    /// Build the [`TextMark`].
156    #[must_use = "Building the object from the builder is usually expensive and is not expected to have side effects"]
157    pub fn build(self) -> TextMark {
158        assert_initialized_main_thread!();
160    }
163mod sealed {
164    pub trait Sealed {}
165    impl<T: super::IsA<super::TextMark>> Sealed for T {}
168/// Trait containing all [`struct@TextMark`] methods.
170/// # Implementors
172/// [`TextMark`][struct@crate::TextMark]
173pub trait TextMarkExt: IsA<TextMark> + sealed::Sealed + 'static {
174    /// Gets the buffer this mark is located inside.
175    ///
176    /// Returns [`None`] if the mark is deleted.
177    ///
178    /// # Returns
179    ///
180    /// the mark’s [`TextBuffer`][crate::TextBuffer]
181    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_get_buffer")]
182    #[doc(alias = "get_buffer")]
183    fn buffer(&self) -> Option<TextBuffer> {
184        unsafe {
185            from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_buffer(
186                self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
187            ))
188        }
189    }
191    /// Returns [`true`] if the mark has been removed from its buffer.
192    ///
193    /// See [`TextBufferExt::add_mark()`][crate::prelude::TextBufferExt::add_mark()] for a way to add it
194    /// to a buffer again.
195    ///
196    /// # Returns
197    ///
198    /// whether the mark is deleted
199    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_get_deleted")]
200    #[doc(alias = "get_deleted")]
201    fn is_deleted(&self) -> bool {
202        unsafe {
203            from_glib(ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_deleted(
204                self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
205            ))
206        }
207    }
209    /// Determines whether the mark has left gravity.
210    ///
211    /// # Returns
212    ///
213    /// [`true`] if the mark has left gravity, [`false`] otherwise
214    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_get_left_gravity")]
215    #[doc(alias = "get_left_gravity")]
216    #[doc(alias = "left-gravity")]
217    fn is_left_gravity(&self) -> bool {
218        unsafe {
219            from_glib(ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_left_gravity(
220                self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
221            ))
222        }
223    }
225    /// Returns the mark name.
226    ///
227    /// Returns [`None`] for anonymous marks.
228    ///
229    /// # Returns
230    ///
231    /// mark name
232    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_get_name")]
233    #[doc(alias = "get_name")]
234    fn name(&self) -> Option<glib::GString> {
235        unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_name(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0)) }
236    }
238    /// Returns [`true`] if the mark is visible.
239    ///
240    /// A cursor is displayed for visible marks.
241    ///
242    /// # Returns
243    ///
244    /// [`true`] if visible
245    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_get_visible")]
246    #[doc(alias = "get_visible")]
247    fn is_visible(&self) -> bool {
248        unsafe {
249            from_glib(ffi::gtk_text_mark_get_visible(
250                self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
251            ))
252        }
253    }
255    /// Sets the visibility of @self.
256    ///
257    /// The insertion point is normally visible, i.e. you can see it as
258    /// a vertical bar. Also, the text widget uses a visible mark to
259    /// indicate where a drop will occur when dragging-and-dropping text.
260    /// Most other marks are not visible.
261    ///
262    /// Marks are not visible by default.
263    /// ## `setting`
264    /// visibility of mark
265    #[doc(alias = "gtk_text_mark_set_visible")]
266    fn set_visible(&self, setting: bool) {
267        unsafe {
268            ffi::gtk_text_mark_set_visible(self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0, setting.into_glib());
269        }
270    }
273impl<O: IsA<TextMark>> TextMarkExt for O {}