Module pango::functions[][src]



Converts extents from Pango units to device units, dividing by the PANGO_SCALE factor and performing rounding.


Searches a string the first character that has a strong direction, according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.


Locates a paragraph boundary in text. A boundary is caused by delimiter characters, such as a newline, carriage return, carriage return-newline pair, or Unicode paragraph separator character. The index of the run of delimiters is returned in paragraph_delimiter_index. The index of the start of the paragraph (index after all delimiters) is stored in next_paragraph_start.


Checks ch to see if it is a character that should not be normally rendered on the screen. This includes all Unicode characters with “ZERO WIDTH” in their name, as well as <firstterm>bidi</firstterm> formatting characters, and a few other ones. This is totally different from g_unichar_iszerowidth() and is at best misnamed.


Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent directional level and shaping engine. Each byte of text will be contained in exactly one of the items in the returned list; the generated list of items will be in logical order (the start offsets of the items are ascending).


Like itemize(), but the base direction to use when computing bidirectional levels (see pango_context_set_base_dir ()), is specified explicitly rather than gotten from the Context.


Parses marked-up text (see


Parses a font stretch. The allowed values are “ultra_condensed”, “extra_condensed”, “condensed”, “semi_condensed”, “normal”, “semi_expanded”, “expanded”, “extra_expanded” and “ultra_expanded”. Case variations are ignored and the ‘_’ characters may be omitted.


Parses a font style. The allowed values are “normal”, “italic” and “oblique”, case variations being ignored.


Parses a font variant. The allowed values are “normal” and “smallcaps” or “small_caps”, case variations being ignored.


Parses a font weight. The allowed values are “heavy”, “ultrabold”, “bold”, “normal”, “light”, “ultraleight” and integers. Case variations are ignored.


Quantizes the thickness and position of a line, typically an underline or strikethrough, to whole device pixels, that is integer multiples of PANGO_SCALE. The purpose of this function is to avoid such lines looking blurry.


Given a segment of text and the corresponding Analysis structure returned from itemize(), convert the characters into glyphs. You may also pass in only a substring of the item from itemize().


Determines the inherent direction of a character; either Direction::Ltr, Direction::Rtl, or Direction::Neutral.


Converts a floating-point number to Pango units: multiplies it by PANGO_SCALE and rounds to nearest integer.


Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point: divides it by PANGO_SCALE.


This is similar to the macro PANGO_VERSION except that it returns the encoded version of Pango available at run-time, as opposed to the version available at compile-time.


Checks that the Pango library in use is compatible with the given version. Generally you would pass in the constants PANGO_VERSION_MAJOR, PANGO_VERSION_MINOR, PANGO_VERSION_MICRO as the three arguments to this function; that produces a check that the library in use at run-time is compatible with the version of Pango the application or module was compiled against.


This is similar to the macro PANGO_VERSION_STRING except that it returns the version of Pango available at run-time, as opposed to the version available at compile-time.