pub trait SocketExtManual: Sized {
    // Required methods
    fn receive<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        buffer: B,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<usize, Error>;
    fn receive_from<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        buffer: B,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<(usize, SocketAddress), Error>;
    fn receive_with_blocking<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        buffer: B,
        blocking: bool,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<usize, Error>;
    fn send<B: AsRef<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        buffer: B,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<usize, Error>;
    fn send_to<B: AsRef<[u8]>, P: IsA<SocketAddress>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        address: Option<&P>,
        buffer: B,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<usize, Error>;
    fn send_with_blocking<B: AsRef<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        buffer: B,
        blocking: bool,
        cancellable: Option<&C>
    ) -> Result<usize, Error>;
    fn fd<T: FromRawFd>(&self) -> T;
    fn socket<T: FromRawSocket>(&self) -> T;
    fn create_source<F, C>(
        condition: IOCondition,
        cancellable: Option<&C>,
        name: Option<&str>,
        priority: Priority,
        func: F
    ) -> Source
       where F: FnMut(&Self, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static,
             C: IsA<Cancellable>;
    fn create_source_future<C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        condition: IOCondition,
        cancellable: Option<&C>,
        priority: Priority
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IOCondition> + 'static>>;
    fn create_source_stream<C: IsA<Cancellable>>(
        condition: IOCondition,
        cancellable: Option<&C>,
        priority: Priority
    ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = IOCondition> + 'static>>;

Required Methods§


fn receive<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, buffer: B, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Receive data (up to size bytes) from a socket. This is mainly used by connection-oriented sockets; it is identical to SocketExtManual::receive_from() with address set to None.

For SocketType::Datagram and SocketType::Seqpacket sockets, SocketExtManual::receive() will always read either 0 or 1 complete messages from the socket. If the received message is too large to fit in buffer, then the data beyond size bytes will be discarded, without any explicit indication that this has occurred.

For SocketType::Stream sockets, SocketExtManual::receive() can return any number of bytes, up to size. If more than size bytes have been received, the additional data will be returned in future calls to SocketExtManual::receive().

If the socket is in blocking mode the call will block until there is some data to receive, the connection is closed, or there is an error. If there is no data available and the socket is in non-blocking mode, a IOErrorEnum::WouldBlock error will be returned. To be notified when data is available, wait for the glib::IOCondition::IN condition.

On error -1 is returned and error is set accordingly.


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes read, or 0 if the connection was closed by the peer, or -1 on error


a buffer to read data into (which should be at least size bytes long).


fn receive_from<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, buffer: B, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<(usize, SocketAddress), Error>

Receive data (up to size bytes) from a socket.

If address is non-None then address will be set equal to the source address of the received packet. address is owned by the caller.

See SocketExtManual::receive() for additional information.


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes read, or 0 if the connection was closed by the peer, or -1 on error


a pointer to a SocketAddress pointer, or None


a buffer to read data into (which should be at least size bytes long).


fn receive_with_blocking<B: AsMut<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, buffer: B, blocking: bool, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<usize, Error>

This behaves exactly the same as SocketExtManual::receive(), except that the choice of blocking or non-blocking behavior is determined by the blocking argument rather than by self’s properties.


whether to do blocking or non-blocking I/O


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes read, or 0 if the connection was closed by the peer, or -1 on error


a buffer to read data into (which should be at least size bytes long).


fn send<B: AsRef<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, buffer: B, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Tries to send size bytes from buffer on the socket. This is mainly used by connection-oriented sockets; it is identical to SocketExtManual::send_to() with address set to None.

If the socket is in blocking mode the call will block until there is space for the data in the socket queue. If there is no space available and the socket is in non-blocking mode a IOErrorEnum::WouldBlock error will be returned. To be notified when space is available, wait for the glib::IOCondition::OUT condition. Note though that you may still receive IOErrorEnum::WouldBlock from SocketExtManual::send() even if you were previously notified of a glib::IOCondition::OUT condition. (On Windows in particular, this is very common due to the way the underlying APIs work.)

On error -1 is returned and error is set accordingly.


the buffer containing the data to send.


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes written (which may be less than size), or -1 on error


fn send_to<B: AsRef<[u8]>, P: IsA<SocketAddress>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, address: Option<&P>, buffer: B, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Tries to send size bytes from buffer to address. If address is None then the message is sent to the default receiver (set by SocketExt::connect()).

See SocketExtManual::send() for additional information.


a SocketAddress, or None


the buffer containing the data to send.


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes written (which may be less than size), or -1 on error


fn send_with_blocking<B: AsRef<[u8]>, C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, buffer: B, blocking: bool, cancellable: Option<&C> ) -> Result<usize, Error>

This behaves exactly the same as SocketExtManual::send(), except that the choice of blocking or non-blocking behavior is determined by the blocking argument rather than by self’s properties.


the buffer containing the data to send.


whether to do blocking or non-blocking I/O


a GCancellable or None


Number of bytes written (which may be less than size), or -1 on error


fn fd<T: FromRawFd>(&self) -> T

Available on Unix only.

Returns the underlying OS socket object. On unix this is a socket file descriptor, and on Windows this is a Winsock2 SOCKET handle. This may be useful for doing platform specific or otherwise unusual operations on the socket.


the file descriptor of the socket.


fn socket<T: FromRawSocket>(&self) -> T

Available on Windows only.

fn create_source<F, C>( &self, condition: IOCondition, cancellable: Option<&C>, name: Option<&str>, priority: Priority, func: F ) -> Sourcewhere F: FnMut(&Self, IOCondition) -> Continue + 'static, C: IsA<Cancellable>,


fn create_source_future<C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, condition: IOCondition, cancellable: Option<&C>, priority: Priority ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IOCondition> + 'static>>


fn create_source_stream<C: IsA<Cancellable>>( &self, condition: IOCondition, cancellable: Option<&C>, priority: Priority ) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = IOCondition> + 'static>>
