// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
use std::process::Termination;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ExitCode(i32);
impl ExitCode {
pub const SUCCESS: Self = Self(0);
pub const FAILURE: Self = Self(1);
pub fn value(&self) -> i32 {
impl From<i32> for ExitCode {
fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
impl From<ExitCode> for i32 {
fn from(value: ExitCode) -> Self {
impl Termination for ExitCode {
fn report(self) -> std::process::ExitCode {
std::process::ExitCode::from(self.0 as u8)