
Trait PopupExt

pub trait PopupExt:
    + Sealed
    + 'static {
    // Provided methods
    fn is_autohide(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn parent(&self) -> Option<Surface> { ... }
    fn position_x(&self) -> i32 { ... }
    fn position_y(&self) -> i32 { ... }
    fn rect_anchor(&self) -> Gravity { ... }
    fn surface_anchor(&self) -> Gravity { ... }
    fn present(&self, width: i32, height: i32, layout: &PopupLayout) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Trait containing all Popup methods.



Provided Methods§


fn is_autohide(&self) -> bool

Returns whether this popup is set to hide on outside clicks.


true if @self will autohide


fn parent(&self) -> Option<Surface>

Returns the parent surface of a popup.


the parent surface


fn position_x(&self) -> i32

Obtains the position of the popup relative to its parent.


the X coordinate of @self position


fn position_y(&self) -> i32

Obtains the position of the popup relative to its parent.


the Y coordinate of @self position


fn rect_anchor(&self) -> Gravity

Gets the current popup rectangle anchor.

The value returned may change after calling present(), or after the layout signal is emitted.


the current rectangle anchor value of @self


fn surface_anchor(&self) -> Gravity

Gets the current popup surface anchor.

The value returned may change after calling present(), or after the layout signal is emitted.


the current surface anchor value of @self


fn present(&self, width: i32, height: i32, layout: &PopupLayout) -> bool

Present @self after having processed the PopupLayout rules.

If the popup was previously not showing, it will be shown, otherwise it will change position according to @layout.

After calling this function, the result should be handled in response to the layout signal being emitted. The resulting popup position can be queried using position_x(), position_y(), and the resulting size will be sent as parameters in the layout signal. Use rect_anchor() and surface_anchor() to get the resulting anchors.

Presenting may fail, for example if the @self is set to autohide and is immediately hidden upon being presented. If presenting failed, the layout signal will not me emitted.


the unconstrained popup width to layout


the unconstrained popup height to layout


the PopupLayout object used to layout


false if it failed to be presented, otherwise true.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<O: IsA<Popup>> PopupExt for O