pub unsafe trait WidgetClassExt: ClassStruct {
Show 24 methods // Provided methods fn set_template_bytes(&mut self, template: &Bytes) { ... } fn set_template(&mut self, template: &[u8]) { ... } fn set_template_static(&mut self, template: &'static [u8]) { ... } fn set_template_from_resource(&mut self, resource_name: &str) { ... } fn install_action_async<Fut, F>( &mut self, action_name: &str, parameter_type: Option<&str>, activate: F ) where F: Fn(<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, String, Option<Variant>) -> Fut + 'static + Clone, Fut: Future<Output = ()> { ... } fn install_action<F>( &mut self, action_name: &str, parameter_type: Option<&str>, activate: F ) where F: Fn(&<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, &str, Option<&Variant>) + 'static { ... } fn query_action(&self) -> WidgetActionIter { ... } fn set_template_scope<S: IsA<BuilderScope>>(&mut self, scope: &S) { ... } fn add_binding<F: Fn(&<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, Option<&Variant>) -> bool + 'static>( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, callback: F, arguments: Option<&Variant> ) { ... } fn add_binding_action( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, action_name: &str, arguments: Option<&Variant> ) { ... } fn add_binding_signal( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, signal_name: &str, arguments: Option<&Variant> ) { ... } fn add_shortcut(&mut self, shortcut: &Shortcut) { ... } fn install_property_action( &mut self, action_name: &str, property_name: &str ) { ... } fn activate_signal(&self) -> Option<SignalId> { ... } fn set_activate_signal(&mut self, signal_id: SignalId) { ... } fn set_activate_signal_from_name(&mut self, signal_name: &str) { ... } fn set_layout_manager_type<T: IsA<LayoutManager>>(&mut self) { ... } fn layout_manager_type(&self) -> Type { ... } fn set_css_name(&mut self, name: &str) { ... } fn css_name(&self) -> GString { ... } fn set_accessible_role(&mut self, role: AccessibleRole) { ... } fn accessible_role(&self) -> AccessibleRole { ... } unsafe fn bind_template_child_with_offset<T>( &mut self, name: &str, internal: bool, offset: FieldOffset<Self::Type, TemplateChild<T>> ) where T: ObjectType + FromGlibPtrNone<*mut <T as ObjectType>::GlibType> { ... } fn rust_template_scope(&mut self) -> BuilderRustScope { ... }

Provided Methods§


fn set_template_bytes(&mut self, template: &Bytes)


fn set_template(&mut self, template: &[u8])

This should be called at class initialization time to specify the Builder XML to be used to extend a widget.

For convenience, set_template_from_resource() is also provided.

Note that any class that installs templates must call Gtk::Widget::init_template() in the widget’s instance initializer.


A GBytes holding the Builder XML


fn set_template_static(&mut self, template: &'static [u8])


fn set_template_from_resource(&mut self, resource_name: &str)

A convenience function that calls set_template() with the contents of a GResource.

Note that any class that installs templates must call Gtk::Widget::init_template() in the widget’s instance initializer.


The name of the resource to load the template from


fn install_action_async<Fut, F>( &mut self, action_name: &str, parameter_type: Option<&str>, activate: F )where F: Fn(<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, String, Option<Variant>) -> Fut + 'static + Clone, Fut: Future<Output = ()>,


fn install_action<F>( &mut self, action_name: &str, parameter_type: Option<&str>, activate: F )where F: Fn(&<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, &str, Option<&Variant>) + 'static,

This should be called at class initialization time to specify actions to be added for all instances of this class.

Actions installed by this function are stateless. The only state they have is whether they are enabled or not (which can be changed with WidgetExt::action_set_enabled()).


a prefixed action name, such as “clipboard.paste”


the parameter type


callback to use when the action is activated


fn query_action(&self) -> WidgetActionIter

Returns details about the @index_-th action that has been installed for @self during class initialization.

See install_action() for details on how to install actions.

Note that this function will also return actions defined by parent classes. You can identify those by looking at @owner.


position of the action to query


true if the action was found, false if @index_ is out of range


return location for the type where the action was defined


return location for the action name


return location for the parameter type


return location for the property name


fn set_template_scope<S: IsA<BuilderScope>>(&mut self, scope: &S)

For use in language bindings, this will override the default BuilderScope to be used when parsing GtkBuilder XML from this class’s template data.

Note that this must be called from a composite widget classes class initializer after calling set_template().


The BuilderScope to use when loading the class template


fn add_binding<F: Fn(&<<Self as ClassStruct>::Type as ObjectSubclass>::Type, Option<&Variant>) -> bool + 'static>( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, callback: F, arguments: Option<&Variant> )

Creates a new shortcut for @self that calls the given @callback with arguments read according to @format_string.

The arguments and format string must be provided in the same way as with g_variant_new().

This function is a convenience wrapper around add_shortcut() and must be called during class initialization. It does not provide for user_data, if you need that, you will have to use add_shortcut() with a custom shortcut.


key value of binding to install


key modifier of binding to install


the callback to call upon activation


GVariant format string for arguments or None for no arguments


fn add_binding_action( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, action_name: &str, arguments: Option<&Variant> )

Creates a new shortcut for @self that activates the given @action_name with arguments read according to @format_string.

The arguments and format string must be provided in the same way as with g_variant_new().

This function is a convenience wrapper around add_shortcut() and must be called during class initialization.


key value of binding to install


key modifier of binding to install


the action to activate


GVariant format string for arguments or None for no arguments


fn add_binding_signal( &mut self, keyval: Key, mods: ModifierType, signal_name: &str, arguments: Option<&Variant> )

Creates a new shortcut for @self that emits the given action @signal with arguments read according to @format_string.

The arguments and format string must be provided in the same way as with g_variant_new().

This function is a convenience wrapper around add_shortcut() and must be called during class initialization.


key value of binding to install


key modifier of binding to install


the signal to execute


GVariant format string for arguments or None for no arguments


fn add_shortcut(&mut self, shortcut: &Shortcut)

Installs a shortcut in @self.

Every instance created for @self or its subclasses will inherit this shortcut and trigger it.

Shortcuts added this way will be triggered in the PropagationPhase::Bubble phase, which means they may also trigger if child widgets have focus.

This function must only be used in class initialization functions otherwise it is not guaranteed that the shortcut will be installed.


the Shortcut to add


fn install_property_action(&mut self, action_name: &str, property_name: &str)

Installs an action called @action_name on @self and binds its state to the value of the @property_name property.

This function will perform a few sanity checks on the property selected via @property_name. Namely, the property must exist, must be readable, writable and must not be construct-only. There are also restrictions on the type of the given property, it must be boolean, int, unsigned int, double or string. If any of these conditions are not met, a critical warning will be printed and no action will be added.

The state type of the action matches the property type.

If the property is boolean, the action will have no parameter and toggle the property value. Otherwise, the action will have a parameter of the same type as the property.


name of the action


name of the property in instances of @self or any parent class.


fn activate_signal(&self) -> Option<SignalId>

Retrieves the signal id for the activation signal.

the activation signal is set using set_activate_signal().


a signal id, or 0 if the widget class does not specify an activation signal


fn set_activate_signal(&mut self, signal_id: SignalId)

Sets the GtkWidgetClass.activate_signal field with the given @signal_id.

The signal will be emitted when calling WidgetExt::activate().

The @signal_id must have been registered with g_signal_new() or g_signal_newv() before calling this function.


the id for the activate signal


fn set_activate_signal_from_name(&mut self, signal_name: &str)

Sets the GtkWidgetClass.activate_signal field with the signal id for the given @signal_name.

The signal will be emitted when calling WidgetExt::activate().

The @signal_name of @widget_type must have been registered with g_signal_new() or g_signal_newv() before calling this function.


the name of the activate signal of @widget_type


fn set_layout_manager_type<T: IsA<LayoutManager>>(&mut self)

Sets the type to be used for creating layout managers for widgets of @self.

The given @type_ must be a subtype of LayoutManager.

This function should only be called from class init functions of widgets.


The object type that implements the LayoutManager for @self


fn layout_manager_type(&self) -> Type

Retrieves the type of the LayoutManager used by widgets of class @self.

See also: set_layout_manager_type().


type of a LayoutManager subclass, or G_TYPE_INVALID


fn set_css_name(&mut self, name: &str)

Sets the name to be used for CSS matching of widgets.

If this function is not called for a given class, the name set on the parent class is used. By default, Widget uses the name “widget”.


name to use


fn css_name(&self) -> GString

Gets the name used by this class for matching in CSS code.

See set_css_name() for details.


the CSS name of the given class


fn set_accessible_role(&mut self, role: AccessibleRole)

Sets the accessible role used by the given Widget class.

Different accessible roles have different states, and are rendered differently by assistive technologies.


the AccessibleRole used by the @self


fn accessible_role(&self) -> AccessibleRole

Retrieves the accessible role used by the given Widget class.

Different accessible roles have different states, and are rendered differently by assistive technologies.

See also: AccessibleExt::accessible_role().


the accessible role for the widget class


unsafe fn bind_template_child_with_offset<T>( &mut self, name: &str, internal: bool, offset: FieldOffset<Self::Type, TemplateChild<T>> )where T: ObjectType + FromGlibPtrNone<*mut <T as ObjectType>::GlibType>,


fn rust_template_scope(&mut self) -> BuilderRustScope
