Generic Values

Some GObject-related functions rely on generic values for their arguments or return parameters. Since GObject introspection works through a C interface, these functions cannot rely on any powerful Rust concepts. In these cases glib::Value or glib::Variant are used.


Let's start with Value. Conceptually, a Value is similar to a Rust enum defined like this:

enum Value <T> {
    // boxed types
    Object(Option<dyn IsA<glib::Object>>),

For example, this is how you would use a Value representing an i32.

Filename: listings/g_object_values/1/

use gtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Store `i32` as `Value`
    let integer_value = 10.to_value();

    // Retrieve `i32` from `Value`
    let integer = integer_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `i32`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(integer, 10);

    // Store string as `Value`
    let string_value = "Hello!".to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string = string_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `String`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string, "Hello!".to_string());

    // Store `Option<String>` as `Value`
    let string_some_value = "Hello!".to_value();
    let string_none_value = None::<String>.to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string_some = string_some_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");
    let string_none = string_none_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string_some, Some("Hello!".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(string_none, None);

Also note that in the enum above boxed types such as String or glib::Object are wrapped in an Option. This comes from C, where every boxed type can potentially be None (or NULL in C terms). You can still access it the same way as with the i32 above. get will then not only return Err if you specified the wrong type, but also if the Value represents None.

Filename: listings/g_object_values/1/

use gtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Store `i32` as `Value`
    let integer_value = 10.to_value();

    // Retrieve `i32` from `Value`
    let integer = integer_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `i32`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(integer, 10);

    // Store string as `Value`
    let string_value = "Hello!".to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string = string_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `String`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string, "Hello!".to_string());

    // Store `Option<String>` as `Value`
    let string_some_value = "Hello!".to_value();
    let string_none_value = None::<String>.to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string_some = string_some_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");
    let string_none = string_none_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string_some, Some("Hello!".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(string_none, None);

If you want to differentiate between specifying the wrong type and a Value representing None, just call get::<Option<T>> instead.

Filename: listings/g_object_values/1/

use gtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Store `i32` as `Value`
    let integer_value = 10.to_value();

    // Retrieve `i32` from `Value`
    let integer = integer_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `i32`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(integer, 10);

    // Store string as `Value`
    let string_value = "Hello!".to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string = string_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `String`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string, "Hello!".to_string());

    // Store `Option<String>` as `Value`
    let string_some_value = "Hello!".to_value();
    let string_none_value = None::<String>.to_value();

    // Retrieve `String` from `Value`
    let string_some = string_some_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");
    let string_none = string_none_value
        .expect("The value needs to be of type `Option<String>`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(string_some, Some("Hello!".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(string_none, None);

We will use Value when we deal with properties and signals later on.


A Variant is used whenever data needs to be serialized, for example for sending it to another process or over the network, or for storing it on disk. Although GVariant supports arbitrarily complex types, the Rust bindings are currently limited to bool, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, f64, &str/String, and VariantDict. Containers of the above types are possible as well, such as HashMap, Vec, Option, tuples up to 16 elements, and Variant. Variants can even be derived from Rust structs as long as its members can be represented by variants.

In the most simple case, converting Rust types to Variant and vice-versa is very similar to the way it worked with Value.

Filename: listings/g_object_values/2/

use gtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Store `i32` as `Variant`
    let integer_variant = 10.to_variant();

    // Retrieve `i32` from `Variant`
    let integer = integer_variant
        .expect("The variant needs to be of type `i32`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(integer, 10);

    let variant = vec!["Hello", "there!"].to_variant();
    assert_eq!(variant.n_children(), 2);
    let vec = &variant
        .expect("The variant needs to be of type `String`.");
    assert_eq!(vec[0], "Hello");

However, a Variant is also able to represent containers such as HashMap or Vec. The following snippet shows how to convert between Vec and Variant. More examples can be found in the docs.

Filename: listings/g_object_values/2/

use gtk::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Store `i32` as `Variant`
    let integer_variant = 10.to_variant();

    // Retrieve `i32` from `Variant`
    let integer = integer_variant
        .expect("The variant needs to be of type `i32`.");

    // Check if the retrieved value is correct
    assert_eq!(integer, 10);

    let variant = vec!["Hello", "there!"].to_variant();
    assert_eq!(variant.n_children(), 2);
    let vec = &variant
        .expect("The variant needs to be of type `String`.");
    assert_eq!(vec[0], "Hello");

We will use Variant when saving settings using gio::Settings or activating actions via gio::Action.