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// This file was generated by gir (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir)
// from gir-files (https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir-files)
use crate::{Initable, MemoryMonitorWarningLevel};
use glib::{
signal::{connect_raw, SignalHandlerId},
use std::boxed::Box as Box_;
glib::wrapper! {
/// `GMemoryMonitor` will monitor system memory and suggest to the application
/// when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications.
/// It is implemented on Linux using the
/// [Low Memory Monitor](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/hadess/low-memory-monitor/)
/// ([API documentation](https://hadess.pages.freedesktop.org/low-memory-monitor/)).
/// There is also an implementation for use inside Flatpak sandboxes.
/// Possible actions to take when the signal is received are:
/// - Free caches
/// - Save files that haven’t been looked at in a while to disk, ready to be reopened when needed
/// - Run a garbage collection cycle
/// - Try and compress fragmented allocations
/// - Exit on idle if the process has no reason to stay around
/// - Call [`malloc_trim(3)`](man:malloc_trim(3)) to return cached heap pages to
/// the kernel (if supported by your libc)
/// Note that some actions may not always improve system performance, and so
/// should be profiled for your application. `malloc_trim()`, for example, may
/// make future heap allocations slower (due to releasing cached heap pages back
/// to the kernel).
/// See [type@Gio.MemoryMonitorWarningLevel] for details on the various warning
/// levels.
/// **⚠️ The following code is in c ⚠️**
/// ```c
/// static void
/// warning_cb (GMemoryMonitor *m, GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel level)
/// {
/// g_debug ("Warning level: %d", level);
/// if (warning_level > G_MEMORY_MONITOR_WARNING_LEVEL_LOW)
/// drop_caches ();
/// }
/// static GMemoryMonitor *
/// monitor_low_memory (void)
/// {
/// GMemoryMonitor *m;
/// m = g_memory_monitor_dup_default ();
/// g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (m), "low-memory-warning",
/// G_CALLBACK (warning_cb), NULL);
/// return m;
/// }
/// ```
/// Don’t forget to disconnect the [`low-memory-warning`][struct@crate::MemoryMonitor#low-memory-warning]
/// signal, and unref the `GMemoryMonitor` itself when exiting.
/// ## Signals
/// #### `low-memory-warning`
/// Emitted when the system is running low on free memory. The signal
/// handler should then take the appropriate action depending on the
/// warning level. See the #GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel documentation for
/// details.
/// # Implements
/// [`MemoryMonitorExt`][trait@crate::prelude::MemoryMonitorExt], [`InitableExt`][trait@crate::prelude::InitableExt]
#[doc(alias = "GMemoryMonitor")]
pub struct MemoryMonitor(Interface<ffi::GMemoryMonitor, ffi::GMemoryMonitorInterface>) @requires Initable;
match fn {
type_ => || ffi::g_memory_monitor_get_type(),
impl MemoryMonitor {
pub const NONE: Option<&'static MemoryMonitor> = None;
/// Gets a reference to the default #GMemoryMonitor for the system.
/// # Returns
/// a new reference to the default #GMemoryMonitor
#[doc(alias = "g_memory_monitor_dup_default")]
pub fn dup_default() -> MemoryMonitor {
unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::g_memory_monitor_dup_default()) }
mod sealed {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<T: super::IsA<super::MemoryMonitor>> Sealed for T {}
/// Trait containing all [`struct@MemoryMonitor`] methods.
/// # Implementors
/// [`MemoryMonitor`][struct@crate::MemoryMonitor]
pub trait MemoryMonitorExt: IsA<MemoryMonitor> + sealed::Sealed + 'static {
/// Emitted when the system is running low on free memory. The signal
/// handler should then take the appropriate action depending on the
/// warning level. See the #GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel documentation for
/// details.
/// ## `level`
/// the #GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel warning level
#[cfg(feature = "v2_64")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v2_64")))]
#[doc(alias = "low-memory-warning")]
fn connect_low_memory_warning<F: Fn(&Self, MemoryMonitorWarningLevel) + 'static>(
f: F,
) -> SignalHandlerId {
unsafe extern "C" fn low_memory_warning_trampoline<
P: IsA<MemoryMonitor>,
F: Fn(&P, MemoryMonitorWarningLevel) + 'static,
this: *mut ffi::GMemoryMonitor,
level: ffi::GMemoryMonitorWarningLevel,
f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
) {
let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
unsafe {
let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
b"low-memory-warning\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
Some(std::mem::transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
low_memory_warning_trampoline::<Self, F> as *const (),
impl<O: IsA<MemoryMonitor>> MemoryMonitorExt for O {}