Struct FontChooserDialogBuilder

pub struct FontChooserDialogBuilder { /* private fields */ }
πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10
Expand description

A builder-pattern type to construct FontChooserDialog objects.



impl FontChooserDialogBuilder


pub fn use_header_bar(self, use_header_bar: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

true if the dialog uses a headerbar for action buttons instead of the action-area.

For technical reasons, this property is declared as an integer property, but you should only set it to true or false.

Β§Creating a dialog with headerbar

Builtin Dialog subclasses such as ColorChooserDialog set this property according to platform conventions (using the gtk-dialogs-use-header setting).

Here is how you can achieve the same:

⚠️ The following code is in c ⚠️

g_object_get (settings, "gtk-dialogs-use-header", &header, NULL);
dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, header, TRUE, NULL);

Use Window instead


pub fn application(self, application: &impl IsA<Application>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The Application associated with the window.

The application will be kept alive for at least as long as it has any windows associated with it (see g_application_hold() for a way to keep it alive without windows).

Normally, the connection between the application and the window will remain until the window is destroyed, but you can explicitly remove it by setting the this property to NULL.


pub fn child(self, child: &impl IsA<Widget>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The child widget.


pub fn decorated(self, decorated: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the window should have a frame (also known as decorations).


pub fn default_height(self, default_height: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The default height of the window.


pub fn default_widget(self, default_widget: &impl IsA<Widget>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The default widget.


pub fn default_width(self, default_width: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The default width of the window.


pub fn deletable(self, deletable: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the window frame should have a close button.


pub fn destroy_with_parent(self, destroy_with_parent: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

If this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyed.


pub fn display(self, display: &impl IsA<Display>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The display that will display this window.


pub fn focus_visible(self, focus_visible: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether β€˜focus rectangles’ are currently visible in this window.

This property is maintained by GTK based on user input and should not be set by applications.


pub fn focus_widget(self, focus_widget: &impl IsA<Widget>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The focus widget.


pub fn fullscreened(self, fullscreened: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the window is fullscreen.

Setting this property is the equivalent of calling GtkWindowExt::fullscreen() or GtkWindowExt::unfullscreen(); either operation is asynchronous, which means you will need to connect to the ::notify signal in order to know whether the operation was successful.


pub fn handle_menubar_accel(self, handle_menubar_accel: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10
Available on crate feature v4_2 only.

Whether the window frame should handle F10 for activating menubars.


pub fn hide_on_close(self, hide_on_close: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

If this window should be hidden when the users clicks the close button.


pub fn icon_name(self, icon_name: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Specifies the name of the themed icon to use as the window icon.

See IconTheme for more details.


pub fn maximized(self, maximized: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the window is maximized.

Setting this property is the equivalent of calling GtkWindowExt::maximize() or GtkWindowExt::unmaximize(); either operation is asynchronous, which means you will need to connect to the ::notify signal in order to know whether the operation was successful.


pub fn mnemonics_visible(self, mnemonics_visible: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether mnemonics are currently visible in this window.

This property is maintained by GTK based on user input, and should not be set by applications.


pub fn modal(self, modal: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

If true, the window is modal.


pub fn resizable(self, resizable: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

If true, users can resize the window.


pub fn startup_id(self, startup_id: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

A write-only property for setting window’s startup notification identifier.


pub fn title(self, title: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The title of the window.


pub fn titlebar(self, titlebar: &impl IsA<Widget>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10
Available on crate feature v4_6 only.

The titlebar widget.


pub fn transient_for(self, transient_for: &impl IsA<Window>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The transient parent of the window.


pub fn can_focus(self, can_focus: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget or any of its descendents can accept the input focus.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.


pub fn can_target(self, can_target: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget can receive pointer events.


pub fn css_classes(self, css_classes: impl Into<StrV>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

A list of css classes applied to this widget.


pub fn css_name(self, css_name: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The name of this widget in the CSS tree.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.


pub fn cursor(self, cursor: &Cursor) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The cursor used by @widget.


pub fn focus_on_click(self, focus_on_click: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse.

This property is only relevant for widgets that can take focus.


pub fn focusable(self, focusable: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether this widget itself will accept the input focus.


pub fn halign(self, halign: Align) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

How to distribute horizontal space if widget gets extra space.


pub fn has_tooltip(self, has_tooltip: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Enables or disables the emission of the query-tooltip signal on @widget.

A true value indicates that @widget can have a tooltip, in this case the widget will be queried using query-tooltip to determine whether it will provide a tooltip or not.


pub fn height_request(self, height_request: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Overrides for height request of the widget.

If this is -1, the natural request will be used.


pub fn hexpand(self, hexpand: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether to expand horizontally.


pub fn hexpand_set(self, hexpand_set: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether to use the hexpand property.


pub fn layout_manager(self, layout_manager: &impl IsA<LayoutManager>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The LayoutManager instance to use to compute the preferred size of the widget, and allocate its children.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.


pub fn limit_events(self, limit_events: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10
Available on crate feature v4_18 only.

Makes this widget act like a modal dialog, with respect to event delivery.

Global event controllers will not handle events with targets inside the widget, unless they are set up to ignore propagation limits. See EventControllerExt::set_propagation_limit().


pub fn margin_bottom(self, margin_bottom: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Margin on bottom side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget’s normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from WidgetExt::set_size_request() for example.


pub fn margin_end(self, margin_end: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Margin on end of widget, horizontally.

This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget’s normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from WidgetExt::set_size_request() for example.


pub fn margin_start(self, margin_start: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Margin on start of widget, horizontally.

This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions.

This property adds margin outside of the widget’s normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from WidgetExt::set_size_request() for example.


pub fn margin_top(self, margin_top: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Margin on top side of widget.

This property adds margin outside of the widget’s normal size request, the margin will be added in addition to the size from WidgetExt::set_size_request() for example.


pub fn name(self, name: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The name of the widget.


pub fn opacity(self, opacity: f64) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The requested opacity of the widget.


pub fn overflow(self, overflow: Overflow) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

How content outside the widget’s content area is treated.

This property is meant to be set by widget implementations, typically in their instance init function.


pub fn receives_default(self, receives_default: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget will receive the default action when it is focused.


pub fn sensitive(self, sensitive: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget responds to input.


pub fn tooltip_markup(self, tooltip_markup: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with Pango markup.

Also see Tooltip::set_markup().

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not NULL: has-tooltip will automatically be set to true and there will be taken care of query-tooltip in the default signal handler.

Note that if both tooltip-text and tooltip-markup are set, the last one wins.


pub fn tooltip_text(self, tooltip_text: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Sets the text of tooltip to be the given string.

Also see Tooltip::set_text().

This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not NULL: has-tooltip will automatically be set to true and there will be taken care of query-tooltip in the default signal handler.

Note that if both tooltip-text and tooltip-markup are set, the last one wins.


pub fn valign(self, valign: Align) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

How to distribute vertical space if widget gets extra space.


pub fn vexpand(self, vexpand: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether to expand vertically.


pub fn vexpand_set(self, vexpand_set: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether to use the vexpand property.


pub fn visible(self, visible: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether the widget is visible.


pub fn width_request(self, width_request: i32) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Overrides for width request of the widget.

If this is -1, the natural request will be used.


pub fn accessible_role(self, accessible_role: AccessibleRole) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The accessible role of the given Accessible implementation.

The accessible role cannot be changed once set.


pub fn font(self, font: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The font description as a string, e.g. β€œSans Italic 12”. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn font_desc(self, font_desc: &FontDescription) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The font description as a pango::FontDescription. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn language(self, language: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The language for which the font features were selected. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn level(self, level: FontChooserLevel) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The level of granularity to offer for selecting fonts. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn preview_text(self, preview_text: impl Into<GString>) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

The string with which to preview the font. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn show_preview_entry(self, show_preview_entry: bool) -> Self

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Whether to show an entry to change the preview text. Use FontDialog and FontDialogButton instead


pub fn build(self) -> FontChooserDialog

πŸ‘ŽDeprecated: Since 4.10

Build the FontChooserDialog.

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.