Struct gio::SocketClient

source ·
pub struct SocketClient { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

GSocketClient is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.

You create a GSocketClient object, set any options you want, and then call a sync or async connect operation, which returns a SocketConnection subclass on success.

The type of the SocketConnection object returned depends on the type of the underlying socket that is in use. For instance, for a TCP/IP connection it will be a TcpConnection.

As GSocketClient is a lightweight object, you don’t need to cache it. You can just create a new one any time you need one.



Enable proxy support.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The address family to use for socket construction.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The local address constructed sockets will be bound to.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The protocol to use for socket construction, or 0 for default.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The proxy resolver to use

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The I/O timeout for sockets, in seconds, or 0 for none.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


Whether to create TLS connections.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The TLS validation flags used when creating TLS connections. The default value is TlsCertificateFlags::VALIDATE_ALL.

GLib guarantees that if certificate verification fails, at least one flag will be set, but it does not guarantee that all possible flags will be set. Accordingly, you may not safely decide to ignore any particular type of error. For example, it would be incorrect to mask TlsCertificateFlags::EXPIRED if you want to allow expired certificates, because this could potentially be the only error flag set even if other problems exist with the certificate. Therefore, there is no safe way to use this property. This is not a horrible problem, though, because you should not be attempting to ignore validation errors anyway. If you really must ignore TLS certificate errors, connect to the #GSocketClient::event signal, wait for it to be emitted with SocketClientEvent::TlsHandshaking, and use that to connect to #GTlsConnection::accept-certificate.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The type to use for socket construction.

Readable | Writeable | Construct



Emitted when @client’s activity on @connectable changes state. Among other things, this can be used to provide progress information about a network connection in the UI. The meanings of the different @event values are as follows:

  • SocketClientEvent::Resolving: @client is about to look up @connectable in DNS. @connection will be None.

  • SocketClientEvent::Resolved: @client has successfully resolved @connectable in DNS. @connection will be None.

  • SocketClientEvent::Connecting: @client is about to make a connection to a remote host; either a proxy server or the destination server itself. @connection is the #GSocketConnection, which is not yet connected. Since GLib 2.40, you can access the remote address via g_socket_connection_get_remote_address().

  • SocketClientEvent::Connected: @client has successfully connected to a remote host. @connection is the connected #GSocketConnection.

  • SocketClientEvent::ProxyNegotiating: @client is about to negotiate with a proxy to get it to connect to @connectable. @connection is the #GSocketConnection to the proxy server.

  • SocketClientEvent::ProxyNegotiated: @client has negotiated a connection to @connectable through a proxy server. @connection is the stream returned from g_proxy_connect(), which may or may not be a #GSocketConnection.

  • SocketClientEvent::TlsHandshaking: @client is about to begin a TLS handshake. @connection is a #GTlsClientConnection.

  • SocketClientEvent::TlsHandshaked: @client has successfully completed the TLS handshake. @connection is a #GTlsClientConnection.

  • SocketClientEvent::Complete: @client has either successfully connected to @connectable (in which case @connection is the #GSocketConnection that it will be returning to the caller) or has failed (in which case @connection is None and the client is about to return an error).

Each event except SocketClientEvent::Complete may be emitted multiple times (or not at all) for a given connectable (in particular, if @client ends up attempting to connect to more than one address). However, if @client emits the #GSocketClient::event signal at all for a given connectable, then it will always emit it with SocketClientEvent::Complete when it is done.

Note that there may be additional #GSocketClientEvent values in the future; unrecognized @event values should be ignored.


SocketClientExt, [trait@glib::ObjectExt]

GLib type: GObject with reference counted clone semantics.



impl SocketClient


pub const NONE: Option<&'static SocketClient> = None


pub fn new() -> SocketClient

Creates a new #GSocketClient with the default options.


a #GSocketClient. Free the returned object with g_object_unref().

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for SocketClient


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Makes a clone of this shared reference.

This increments the strong reference count of the object. Dropping the object will decrement it again.

1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for SocketClient


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for SocketClient


fn default() -> Self

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl HasParamSpec for SocketClient


type ParamSpec = ParamSpecObject


type SetValue = SocketClient

Preferred value to be used as setter for the associated ParamSpec.

type BuilderFn = fn(_: &str) -> ParamSpecObjectBuilder<'_, SocketClient>


fn param_spec_builder() -> Self::BuilderFn


impl Hash for SocketClient


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Hashes the memory address of this object.

1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl Ord for SocketClient


fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

Comparison for two GObjects.

Compares the memory addresses of the provided objects.

1.21.0 · source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized + PartialOrd,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl ParentClassIs for SocketClient


impl<OT: ObjectType> PartialEq<OT> for SocketClient


fn eq(&self, other: &OT) -> bool

Equality for two GObjects.

Two GObjects are equal if their memory addresses are equal.

1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<OT: ObjectType> PartialOrd<OT> for SocketClient


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &OT) -> Option<Ordering>

Partial comparison for two GObjects.

Compares the memory addresses of the provided objects.

1.0.0 · source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl StaticType for SocketClient


fn static_type() -> Type

Returns the type identifier of Self.

impl Eq for SocketClient

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> Cast for T
where T: ObjectType,


fn upcast<T>(self) -> T
where T: ObjectType, Self: IsA<T>,

Upcasts an object to a superclass or interface T. Read more

fn upcast_ref<T>(&self) -> &T
where T: ObjectType, Self: IsA<T>,

Upcasts an object to a reference of its superclass or interface T. Read more

fn downcast<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
where T: ObjectType, Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,

Tries to downcast to a subclass or interface implementor T. Read more

fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: ObjectType, Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,

Tries to downcast to a reference of its subclass or interface implementor T. Read more

fn dynamic_cast<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
where T: ObjectType,

Tries to cast to an object of type T. This handles upcasting, downcasting and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at runtime, while upcast will do many checks at compile-time already. downcast will perform the same checks at runtime as dynamic_cast, but will also ensure some amount of compile-time safety. Read more

fn dynamic_cast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: ObjectType,

Tries to cast to reference to an object of type T. This handles upcasting, downcasting and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at runtime, while downcast and upcast will do many checks at compile-time already. Read more

unsafe fn unsafe_cast<T>(self) -> T
where T: ObjectType,

Casts to T unconditionally. Read more

unsafe fn unsafe_cast_ref<T>(&self) -> &T
where T: ObjectType,

Casts to &T unconditionally. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GPtrArray> for T


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GSList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GPtrArray> for T


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GSList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GPtrArray> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GSList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GList> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GPtrArray> for T


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GSList> for T


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoClosureReturnValue for T
where T: Into<Value>,


impl<U> IsSubclassableExt for U


impl<T> ObjectExt for T
where T: ObjectType,


fn is<U>(&self) -> bool
where U: StaticType,

Returns true if the object is an instance of (can be cast to) T.

fn type_(&self) -> Type

Returns the type of the object.

fn object_class(&self) -> &Class<Object>

Returns the ObjectClass of the object. Read more

fn class(&self) -> &Class<T>
where T: IsClass,

Returns the class of the object.

fn class_of<U>(&self) -> Option<&Class<U>>
where U: IsClass,

Returns the class of the object in the given type T. Read more

fn interface<U>(&self) -> Option<InterfaceRef<'_, U>>
where U: IsInterface,

Returns the interface T of the object. Read more

fn set_property(&self, property_name: &str, value: impl Into<Value>)

Sets the property property_name of the object to value value. Read more

fn set_property_from_value(&self, property_name: &str, value: &Value)

Sets the property property_name of the object to value value. Read more

fn set_properties(&self, property_values: &[(&str, &dyn ToValue)])

Sets multiple properties of the object at once. Read more

fn set_properties_from_value(&self, property_values: &[(&str, Value)])

Sets multiple properties of the object at once. Read more

fn property<V>(&self, property_name: &str) -> V
where V: for<'b> FromValue<'b> + 'static,

Gets the property property_name of the object and cast it to the type V. Read more

fn property_value(&self, property_name: &str) -> Value

Gets the property property_name of the object. Read more

fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool

Check if the object has a property property_name of the given type_. Read more

fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type>

Get the type of the property property_name of this object. Read more

fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<ParamSpec>

Get the ParamSpec of the property property_name of this object.

fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<ParamSpec>

Return all ParamSpec of the properties of this object.

fn freeze_notify(&self) -> PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard

Freeze all property notifications until the return guard object is dropped. Read more

unsafe fn set_qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark, value: QD)
where QD: 'static,

Set arbitrary data on this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<NonNull<QD>>
where QD: 'static,

Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn steal_qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<QD>
where QD: 'static,

Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn set_data<QD>(&self, key: &str, value: QD)
where QD: 'static,

Set arbitrary data on this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn data<QD>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<NonNull<QD>>
where QD: 'static,

Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn steal_data<QD>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<QD>
where QD: 'static,

Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

fn block_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId)

Block a given signal handler. Read more

fn unblock_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId)

Unblock a given signal handler.

fn stop_signal_emission(&self, signal_id: SignalId, detail: Option<Quark>)

Stop emission of the currently emitted signal.

fn stop_signal_emission_by_name(&self, signal_name: &str)

Stop emission of the currently emitted signal by the (possibly detailed) signal name.

fn connect<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn connect_local<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_local_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_unsafe<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_unsafe_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn connect_closure( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, closure: RustClosure, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Connect a closure to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_closure_id( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, closure: RustClosure, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Connect a closure to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>)

Limits the lifetime of closure to the lifetime of the object. When the object’s reference count drops to zero, the closure will be invalidated. An invalidated closure will ignore any calls to invoke_with_values, or invoke when using Rust closures.

fn emit<R>(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R

Emit signal by signal id. Read more

fn emit_with_values(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value>

Same as Self::emit but takes Value for the arguments.

fn emit_by_name<R>(&self, signal_name: &str, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R

Emit signal by its name. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_values( &self, signal_name: &str, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by its name. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_details<R>( &self, signal_name: &str, details: Quark, args: &[&dyn ToValue], ) -> R

Emit signal by its name with details. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_details_and_values( &self, signal_name: &str, details: Quark, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by its name with details. Read more

fn emit_with_details<R>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Quark, args: &[&dyn ToValue], ) -> R

Emit signal by signal id with details. Read more

fn emit_with_details_and_values( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Quark, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by signal id with details. Read more

fn disconnect(&self, handler_id: SignalHandlerId)

Disconnect a previously connected signal handler.

fn connect_notify<F>(&self, name: Option<&str>, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec) + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

fn connect_notify_local<F>(&self, name: Option<&str>, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec) + 'static,

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_notify_unsafe<F>( &self, name: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec),

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

fn notify(&self, property_name: &str)

Notify that the given property has changed its value. Read more

fn notify_by_pspec(&self, pspec: &ParamSpec)

Notify that the given property has changed its value. Read more

fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakRef<T>

Downgrade this object to a weak reference.

fn add_weak_ref_notify<F>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T>
where F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,

Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed.

fn add_weak_ref_notify_local<F>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T>
where F: FnOnce() + 'static,

Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed. Read more

fn bind_property<'a, 'f, 't, O>( &'a self, source_property: &'a str, target: &'a O, target_property: &'a str, ) -> BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't>
where O: ObjectType,

Bind property source_property on this object to the target_property on the target object. Read more

fn ref_count(&self) -> u32

Returns the strong reference count of this object.

unsafe fn run_dispose(&self)

Runs the dispose mechanism of the object. Read more

impl<T> Property for T
where T: HasParamSpec,


type Value = T


impl<T> PropertyGet for T
where T: HasParamSpec,


type Value = T


fn get<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> R
where F: Fn(&<T as PropertyGet>::Value) -> R,


impl<O> SocketClientExt for O
where O: IsA<SocketClient>,


fn add_application_proxy(&self, protocol: &str)

Enable proxy protocols to be handled by the application. When the indicated proxy protocol is returned by the #GProxyResolver, #GSocketClient will consider this protocol as supported but will not try to find a #GProxy instance to handle handshaking. The application must check for this case by calling g_socket_connection_get_remote_address() on the returned #GSocketConnection, and seeing if it’s a #GProxyAddress of the appropriate type, to determine whether or not it needs to handle the proxy handshaking itself. Read more

fn connect( &self, connectable: &impl IsA<SocketConnectable>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, ) -> Result<SocketConnection, Error>

Tries to resolve the @connectable and make a network connection to it. Read more

fn connect_async<P: FnOnce(Result<SocketConnection, Error>) + 'static>( &self, connectable: &impl IsA<SocketConnectable>, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, callback: P, )

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect(). Read more

fn connect_future( &self, connectable: &(impl IsA<SocketConnectable> + Clone + 'static), ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn Future<Output = Result<SocketConnection, Error>> + 'static>>


fn connect_to_host( &self, host_and_port: &str, default_port: u16, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, ) -> Result<SocketConnection, Error>

This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect(). Read more

fn connect_to_host_async<P: FnOnce(Result<SocketConnection, Error>) + 'static>( &self, host_and_port: &str, default_port: u16, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, callback: P, )

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_host(). Read more

fn connect_to_host_future( &self, host_and_port: &str, default_port: u16, ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn Future<Output = Result<SocketConnection, Error>> + 'static>>


fn connect_to_service( &self, domain: &str, service: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, ) -> Result<SocketConnection, Error>

Attempts to create a TCP connection to a service. Read more

fn connect_to_service_async<P: FnOnce(Result<SocketConnection, Error>) + 'static>( &self, domain: &str, service: &str, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, callback: P, )

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_service(). Read more

fn connect_to_service_future( &self, domain: &str, service: &str, ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn Future<Output = Result<SocketConnection, Error>> + 'static>>


fn connect_to_uri( &self, uri: &str, default_port: u16, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, ) -> Result<SocketConnection, Error>

This is a helper function for g_socket_client_connect(). Read more

fn connect_to_uri_async<P: FnOnce(Result<SocketConnection, Error>) + 'static>( &self, uri: &str, default_port: u16, cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<Cancellable>>, callback: P, )

This is the asynchronous version of g_socket_client_connect_to_uri(). Read more

fn connect_to_uri_future( &self, uri: &str, default_port: u16, ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn Future<Output = Result<SocketConnection, Error>> + 'static>>


fn enables_proxy(&self) -> bool

Gets the proxy enable state; see g_socket_client_set_enable_proxy() Read more

fn family(&self) -> SocketFamily

Gets the socket family of the socket client. Read more

fn local_address(&self) -> Option<SocketAddress>

Gets the local address of the socket client. Read more

fn protocol(&self) -> SocketProtocol

Gets the protocol name type of the socket client. Read more

fn proxy_resolver(&self) -> ProxyResolver

Gets the #GProxyResolver being used by @self. Normally, this will be the resolver returned by g_proxy_resolver_get_default(), but you can override it with g_socket_client_set_proxy_resolver(). Read more

fn socket_type(&self) -> SocketType

Gets the socket type of the socket client. Read more

fn timeout(&self) -> u32

Gets the I/O timeout time for sockets created by @self. Read more

fn is_tls(&self) -> bool

Gets whether @self creates TLS connections. See g_socket_client_set_tls() for details. Read more

fn tls_validation_flags(&self) -> TlsCertificateFlags

👎Deprecated: Since 2.72
Gets the TLS validation flags used creating TLS connections via @self. Read more

fn set_enable_proxy(&self, enable: bool)

Sets whether or not @self attempts to make connections via a proxy server. When enabled (the default), #GSocketClient will use a #GProxyResolver to determine if a proxy protocol such as SOCKS is needed, and automatically do the necessary proxy negotiation. Read more

fn set_family(&self, family: SocketFamily)

Sets the socket family of the socket client. If this is set to something other than SocketFamily::Invalid then the sockets created by this object will be of the specified family. Read more

fn set_local_address(&self, address: Option<&impl IsA<SocketAddress>>)

Sets the local address of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will bound to the specified address (if not None) before connecting. Read more

fn set_protocol(&self, protocol: SocketProtocol)

Sets the protocol of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will use of the specified protocol. Read more

fn set_proxy_resolver(&self, proxy_resolver: Option<&impl IsA<ProxyResolver>>)

Overrides the #GProxyResolver used by @self. You can call this if you want to use specific proxies, rather than using the system default proxy settings. Read more

fn set_socket_type(&self, type_: SocketType)

Sets the socket type of the socket client. The sockets created by this object will be of the specified type. Read more

fn set_timeout(&self, timeout: u32)

Sets the I/O timeout for sockets created by @self. @timeout is a time in seconds, or 0 for no timeout (the default). Read more

fn set_tls(&self, tls: bool)

Sets whether @self creates TLS (aka SSL) connections. If @tls is true, @self will wrap its connections in a #GTlsClientConnection and perform a TLS handshake when connecting. Read more

fn set_tls_validation_flags(&self, flags: TlsCertificateFlags)

👎Deprecated: Since 2.72
Sets the TLS validation flags used when creating TLS connections via @self. The default value is TlsCertificateFlags::VALIDATE_ALL. Read more

fn type_(&self) -> SocketType

The type to use for socket construction.

fn set_type(&self, type_: SocketType)

The type to use for socket construction.

fn connect_event<F: Fn(&Self, SocketClientEvent, &SocketConnectable, Option<&IOStream>) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Emitted when @client’s activity on @connectable changes state. Among other things, this can be used to provide progress information about a network connection in the UI. The meanings of the different @event values are as follows: Read more

fn connect_enable_proxy_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_family_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_local_address_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_protocol_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_proxy_resolver_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_timeout_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_tls_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_tls_validation_flags_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

👎Deprecated: Since 2.72

fn connect_type_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


impl<T> StaticTypeExt for T
where T: StaticType,


fn ensure_type()

Ensures that the type has been registered with the type system.

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> TransparentType for T


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> TryFromClosureReturnValue for T
where T: for<'a> FromValue<'a> + StaticType + 'static,


impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a, T, C, E> FromValueOptional<'a> for T
where T: FromValue<'a, Checker = C>, C: ValueTypeChecker<Error = ValueTypeMismatchOrNoneError<E>>, E: Error + Send + 'static,


impl<Super, Sub> MayDowncastTo<Sub> for Super
where Super: IsA<Super>, Sub: IsA<Super>,