
Properties provide a public API for accessing state of GObjects.

Let's see how this is done by experimenting with the Switch widget. One of its properties is called active. According to the GTK docs, it can be read and be written to. That is why gtk-rs provides corresponding is_active and set_active methods.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/1/

use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation, Switch};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties1";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the switch
    let switch = Switch::new();

    // Set and then immediately obtain active property
    let switch_active = switch.is_active();

    // This prints: "The active property of switch is true"
    println!("The active property of switch is {}", switch_active);

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

Properties can not only be accessed via getters & setters, they can also be bound to each other. Let's see how that would look like for two Switch instances.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/2/

use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation, Switch};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties3";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the switches
    let switch_1 = Switch::new();
    let switch_2 = Switch::new();

        .bind_property("active", &switch_2, "active")

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

In our case, we want to bind the "active" property of switch_1 to the "active" property of switch_2. We also want the binding to be bidirectional, so we specify by calling the bidirectional method.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/2/

use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation, Switch};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties3";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the switches
    let switch_1 = Switch::new();
    let switch_2 = Switch::new();

        .bind_property("active", &switch_2, "active")

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

Now when we click on one of the two switches, the other one is toggled as well.

Adding Properties to Custom GObjects

We can also add properties to custom GObjects. We can demonstrate that by binding the number of our CustomButton to a property. Most of the work is done by the glib::Properties derive macro. We tell it that the wrapper type is super::CustomButton. We also annotate number, so that macro knows that it should create a property "number" that is readable and writable. It also generates wrapper methods which we are going to use later in this chapter.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/3/custom_button/

use std::cell::Cell;

use glib::Properties;
use gtk::glib;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::subclass::prelude::*;

// Object holding the state
#[derive(Properties, Default)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::CustomButton)]
pub struct CustomButton {
    #[property(get, set)]
    number: Cell<i32>,

// The central trait for subclassing a GObject
impl ObjectSubclass for CustomButton {
    const NAME: &'static str = "MyGtkAppCustomButton";
    type Type = super::CustomButton;
    type ParentType = gtk::Button;

// Trait shared by all GObjects
impl ObjectImpl for CustomButton {
    fn constructed(&self) {

        // Bind label to number
        // `SYNC_CREATE` ensures that the label will be immediately set
        let obj = self.obj();
        obj.bind_property("number", obj.as_ref(), "label")

// Trait shared by all widgets
impl WidgetImpl for CustomButton {}

// Trait shared by all buttons
impl ButtonImpl for CustomButton {
    fn clicked(&self) {
        let incremented_number = self.obj().number() + 1;

The glib::derived_properties macro generates boilerplate that is the same for every GObject that generates its properties with the Property macro. In constructed we use our new property "number" by binding the "label" property to it. bind_property converts the integer value of "number" to the string of "label" on its own. Now we don't have to adapt the label in the "clicked" callback anymore.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/3/custom_button/

use std::cell::Cell;

use glib::Properties;
use gtk::glib;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::subclass::prelude::*;

// Object holding the state
#[derive(Properties, Default)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::CustomButton)]
pub struct CustomButton {
    #[property(get, set)]
    number: Cell<i32>,

// The central trait for subclassing a GObject
impl ObjectSubclass for CustomButton {
    const NAME: &'static str = "MyGtkAppCustomButton";
    type Type = super::CustomButton;
    type ParentType = gtk::Button;

// Trait shared by all GObjects
impl ObjectImpl for CustomButton {
    fn constructed(&self) {

        // Bind label to number
        // `SYNC_CREATE` ensures that the label will be immediately set
        let obj = self.obj();
        obj.bind_property("number", obj.as_ref(), "label")

// Trait shared by all widgets
impl WidgetImpl for CustomButton {}

// Trait shared by all buttons
impl ButtonImpl for CustomButton {
    fn clicked(&self) {
        let incremented_number = self.obj().number() + 1;

We also have to adapt the clicked method. Before we modified number directly, now we can use the generated wrapper methods number and set_number. This way the "notify" signal will be emitted, which is necessary for the bindings to work as expected.

use std::cell::Cell;

use glib::Properties;
use gtk::glib;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::subclass::prelude::*;

// Object holding the state
#[derive(Properties, Default)]
#[properties(wrapper_type = super::CustomButton)]
pub struct CustomButton {
    #[property(get, set)]
    number: Cell<i32>,

// The central trait for subclassing a GObject
impl ObjectSubclass for CustomButton {
    const NAME: &'static str = "MyGtkAppCustomButton";
    type Type = super::CustomButton;
    type ParentType = gtk::Button;

// Trait shared by all GObjects
impl ObjectImpl for CustomButton {
    fn constructed(&self) {

        // Bind label to number
        // `SYNC_CREATE` ensures that the label will be immediately set
        let obj = self.obj();
        obj.bind_property("number", obj.as_ref(), "label")

// Trait shared by all widgets
impl WidgetImpl for CustomButton {}

// Trait shared by all buttons
impl ButtonImpl for CustomButton {
    fn clicked(&self) {
        let incremented_number = self.obj().number() + 1;

Let's see what we can do with this by creating two custom buttons.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/3/

mod custom_button;

use custom_button::CustomButton;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties4";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the buttons
    let button_1 = CustomButton::new();
    let button_2 = CustomButton::new();

    // Assure that "number" of `button_2` is always 1 higher than "number" of `button_1`
        .bind_property("number", &button_2, "number")
        // How to transform "number" from `button_1` to "number" of `button_2`
        .transform_to(|_, number: i32| {
            let incremented_number = number + 1;
        // How to transform "number" from `button_2` to "number" of `button_1`
        .transform_from(|_, number: i32| {
            let decremented_number = number - 1;

    // The closure will be called
    // whenever the property "number" of `button_1` gets changed
    button_1.connect_number_notify(|button| {
        println!("The current number of `button_1` is {}.", button.number());

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

We have already seen that bound properties don't necessarily have to be of the same type. By leveraging transform_to and transform_from, we can assure that button_2 always displays a number which is 1 higher than the number of button_1.

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/3/

mod custom_button;

use custom_button::CustomButton;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties4";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the buttons
    let button_1 = CustomButton::new();
    let button_2 = CustomButton::new();

    // Assure that "number" of `button_2` is always 1 higher than "number" of `button_1`
        .bind_property("number", &button_2, "number")
        // How to transform "number" from `button_1` to "number" of `button_2`
        .transform_to(|_, number: i32| {
            let incremented_number = number + 1;
        // How to transform "number" from `button_2` to "number" of `button_1`
        .transform_from(|_, number: i32| {
            let decremented_number = number - 1;

    // The closure will be called
    // whenever the property "number" of `button_1` gets changed
    button_1.connect_number_notify(|button| {
        println!("The current number of `button_1` is {}.", button.number());

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

Now if we click on one button, the "number" and "label" properties of the other button change as well.

Another nice feature of properties is, that you can connect a callback to the event, when a property gets changed. For example like this:

Filename: listings/g_object_properties/3/

mod custom_button;

use custom_button::CustomButton;
use gtk::prelude::*;
use gtk::{glib, Align, Application, ApplicationWindow, Box, Orientation};

const APP_ID: &str = "org.gtk_rs.GObjectProperties4";

fn main() -> glib::ExitCode {
    // Create a new application
    let app = Application::builder().application_id(APP_ID).build();

    // Connect to "activate" signal of `app`

    // Run the application

fn build_ui(app: &Application) {
    // Create the buttons
    let button_1 = CustomButton::new();
    let button_2 = CustomButton::new();

    // Assure that "number" of `button_2` is always 1 higher than "number" of `button_1`
        .bind_property("number", &button_2, "number")
        // How to transform "number" from `button_1` to "number" of `button_2`
        .transform_to(|_, number: i32| {
            let incremented_number = number + 1;
        // How to transform "number" from `button_2` to "number" of `button_1`
        .transform_from(|_, number: i32| {
            let decremented_number = number - 1;

    // The closure will be called
    // whenever the property "number" of `button_1` gets changed
    button_1.connect_number_notify(|button| {
        println!("The current number of `button_1` is {}.", button.number());

    // Set up box
    let gtk_box = Box::builder()

    // Create a window
    let window = ApplicationWindow::builder()
        .title("My GTK App")

    // Present the window

Now, whenever the "number" property gets changed, the closure gets executed and prints the current value of "number" to standard output.

Introducing properties to your custom GObjects is useful if you want to

  • bind state of (different) GObjects
  • notify consumers whenever a property value changes

Note that it has a (computational) cost to send a signal each time the value changes. If you only want to expose internal state, adding getter and setter methods is the better option.