1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use std::borrow::Cow;
5use crate::{ffi, translate::*, variant::*, variant_type::*};
7wrapper! {
8 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
9 /// `VariantDict` is a mutable key/value store where the keys are always
10 /// strings and the values are [`Variant`s](variant/struct.Variant.html).
11 ///
12 /// Variant dictionaries can easily be converted to/from `Variant`s of the
13 /// appropriate type. In `glib` terms, this is a variant of the form `"a{sv}"`.
14 ///
15 /// # Panics
16 ///
17 /// Note, pretty much all methods on this struct will panic if the
18 /// [`end_unsafe()`](#method.end_unsafe) method was called on the instance.
19 #[doc(alias = "GVariantDict")]
20 pub struct VariantDict(Shared<ffi::GVariantDict>);
22 match fn {
23 ref => |ptr| ffi::g_variant_dict_ref(ptr),
24 unref => |ptr| ffi::g_variant_dict_unref(ptr),
25 type_ => || ffi::g_variant_dict_get_type(),
26 }
29impl VariantDict {
30 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
31 /// Create a new `VariantDict` optionally populating it with the given `Variant`
32 ///
33 /// Since `Variant`s are immutable, this does not couple the `VariantDict` with
34 /// the input `Variant`, instead the contents are copied into the `VariantDict`.
35 ///
36 /// # Panics
37 ///
38 /// This function will panic if the given `Variant` is not of the correct type.
39 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_new")]
40 pub fn new(from_asv: Option<&Variant>) -> Self {
41 if let Some(var) = from_asv {
42 assert_eq!(var.type_(), VariantDict::static_variant_type());
43 }
44 unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::g_variant_dict_new(from_asv.to_glib_none().0)) }
45 }
47 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
48 /// Check if this `VariantDict` contains the given key.
49 ///
50 /// Look up whether or not the given key is present, returning `true` if it
51 /// is present in `self`.
52 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_contains")]
53 pub fn contains(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
54 unsafe {
55 from_glib(ffi::g_variant_dict_contains(
56 self.to_glib_none().0,
57 key.to_glib_none().0,
58 ))
59 }
60 }
62 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
63 /// Look up a typed value from this `VariantDict`.
64 ///
65 /// The given `key` is looked up in `self`.
66 ///
67 /// This will return `None` if the `key` is not present in the dictionary,
68 /// and an error if the key is present but with the wrong type.
69 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_lookup")]
70 pub fn lookup<T: FromVariant>(&self, key: &str) -> Result<Option<T>, VariantTypeMismatchError> {
71 self.lookup_value(key, None)
72 .map(|v| Variant::try_get(&v))
73 .transpose()
74 }
76 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
77 /// Look up and return a value from this `VariantDict`.
78 ///
79 /// The given `key` is looked up in `self`. If `expected_type` is not
80 /// `None` then it will be matched against the type of any found value.
81 ///
82 /// This will return `None` if the `key` is not present in the dictionary
83 /// or if it is present but the type of the value does not match a given
84 /// `expected_type`. Otherwise, `Some(value)` will be returned where
85 /// the `value` is an instance of [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html).
86 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_lookup_value")]
87 pub fn lookup_value(&self, key: &str, expected_type: Option<&VariantTy>) -> Option<Variant> {
88 unsafe {
89 from_glib_full(ffi::g_variant_dict_lookup_value(
90 self.to_glib_none().0,
91 key.to_glib_none().0,
92 expected_type.to_glib_none().0,
93 ))
94 }
95 }
97 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
98 /// Insert a variant into the dictionary.
99 ///
100 /// The given `key`/`value` pair is inserted into `self`. If a value
101 /// was previously associated with `key` then it is overwritten.
102 ///
103 /// For convenience, you may use the [`insert()`](#method.insert) if
104 /// you have a value which implements [`ToVariant`](variant/trait.ToVariant.html).
105 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_insert_value")]
106 pub fn insert_value(&self, key: &str, value: &Variant) {
107 unsafe {
108 ffi::g_variant_dict_insert_value(
109 self.to_glib_none().0,
110 key.to_glib_none().0,
111 value.to_glib_none().0,
112 )
113 }
114 }
116 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
117 /// Insert a value into the dictionary
118 ///
119 /// The given `key`/`value` pair is inserted into `self`. If a value
120 /// was previously associated with `key` then it is overwritten.
121 ///
122 /// This is a convenience method which automatically calls
123 /// [`to_variant()`](variant/trait.ToVariant.html#method.to_variant) for you
124 /// on the given value.
125 ///
126 /// If, on the other hand, you have a [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html)
127 /// instance already, you should use the [`insert_value()`](#method.insert_value)
128 /// method instead.
129 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_insert_value")]
130 pub fn insert(&self, key: &str, value: impl Into<Variant>) {
131 unsafe {
132 ffi::g_variant_dict_insert_value(
133 self.to_glib_none().0,
134 key.to_glib_none().0,
135 value.into().to_glib_none().0,
136 )
137 }
138 }
140 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
141 /// Remove the given `key` from the dictionary.
142 ///
143 /// This removes the given `key` from the dictionary, releasing the reference
144 /// on the associated value if one is present.
145 ///
146 /// If a `key`/`value` pair was removed from the dictionary, `true` is
147 /// returned. If `key` was not present then `false` is returned instead.
148 #[doc(alias = "g_variant_dict_remove")]
149 pub fn remove(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
150 unsafe {
151 from_glib(ffi::g_variant_dict_remove(
152 self.to_glib_none().0,
153 key.to_glib_none().0,
154 ))
155 }
156 }
158 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
159 /// Convert this dictionary to a [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html)
160 ///
161 /// This method converts `self` into an instance of [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html)
162 /// but in doing so renders it very unsafe to use.
163 ///
164 /// # Safety
165 ///
166 /// After calling this, the underlying `GVariantDict` is in a state where
167 /// the only valid operations to perform as reference ones. As such
168 /// any attempt to read/update the dictionary *will* fail and emit warnings
169 /// of such.
170 ///
171 /// You should only use this function if the extra cost of the safe function
172 /// is too much for your performance critical codepaths
173 pub unsafe fn end_unsafe(&self) -> Variant {
174 from_glib_none(ffi::g_variant_dict_end(self.to_glib_none().0))
175 }
177 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
178 /// Convert this dictionary to a [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html)
179 ///
180 /// This method converts `self` into an instance of [`Variant`](variant/struct.Variant.html)
181 /// and then reinitialises itself in order to be safe for further use.
182 ///
183 /// If you are certain that nothing other than disposing of references will
184 /// be done after ending the instance, you can call the
185 /// [`end_unsafe()`](#method.end_unsafe) method instead to avoid the unnecessary
186 /// reinitialisation of the dictionary.
187 pub fn end(&self) -> Variant {
188 unsafe {
189 let ret = self.end_unsafe();
190 // Reinitialise the dict so that we can continue safely
191 ffi::g_variant_dict_init(self.to_glib_none().0, None::<Variant>.to_glib_none().0);
192 ret
193 }
194 }
197impl Default for VariantDict {
198 fn default() -> Self {
199 Self::new(None)
200 }
203impl StaticVariantType for VariantDict {
204 fn static_variant_type() -> Cow<'static, VariantTy> {
205 Cow::Borrowed(VariantTy::VARDICT)
206 }
209impl ToVariant for VariantDict {
210 fn to_variant(&self) -> Variant {
211 self.end()
212 }
215impl From<VariantDict> for Variant {
216 // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
217 /// Consume a given `VariantDict` and call [`VariantDict::end`] on it.
218 ///
219 /// Note: While this method consumes the `VariantDict`, the underlying
220 /// object could still be accessed through other clones because of the
221 /// reference counted clone semantics.
222 #[inline]
223 fn from(d: VariantDict) -> Self {
224 d.end()
225 }
228impl FromVariant for VariantDict {
229 fn from_variant(variant: &Variant) -> Option<Self> {
230 if variant.type_() == VariantDict::static_variant_type() {
231 Some(Self::new(Some(variant)))
232 } else {
233 None
234 }
235 }
238impl From<Variant> for VariantDict {
239 fn from(other: Variant) -> Self {
240 Self::new(Some(&other))
241 }
245mod test {
246 use super::*;
248 #[test]
249 fn create_destroy() {
250 let _dict = VariantDict::new(None);
251 }
253 #[test]
254 fn create_roundtrip() {
255 let dict = VariantDict::default();
256 let var: Variant = dict.to_variant();
257 let _dict2: VariantDict = var.into();
258 }
260 #[test]
261 fn into_variant_roundtrip() {
262 let dict1 = VariantDict::default();
263 let dict2 = dict1.clone();
264 dict1.insert_value("one", &(1u8.to_variant()));
266 assert_eq!(dict1.lookup::<u8>("one").unwrap(), Some(1u8));
267 assert_eq!(dict2.lookup::<u8>("one").unwrap(), Some(1u8));
269 // Convert it into `Variant`
270 let dict: Variant = dict1.into();
272 // While we can still access the `VariantDict` via `dict2`,
273 // it should be empty now
274 assert_eq!(dict2.lookup::<u8>("one").unwrap(), None);
276 // Convert it back
277 let dict3: VariantDict = dict.into();
279 assert_eq!(dict3.lookup::<u8>("one").unwrap(), Some(1u8));
280 }
282 #[test]
283 fn create_populate_destroy() {
284 let dict = VariantDict::default();
285 dict.insert_value("one", &(1u8.to_variant()));
286 assert_eq!(dict.lookup_value("one", None), Some(1u8.to_variant()));
287 }
289 #[test]
290 fn create_populate_roundtrip() {
291 let dict = VariantDict::default();
292 dict.insert_value("one", &(1u8.to_variant()));
293 let var: Variant = dict.to_variant();
294 let dict = VariantDict::from_variant(&var).expect("Not a dict?");
295 assert_eq!(dict.lookup_value("one", None), Some(1u8.to_variant()));
296 }
298 #[test]
299 fn lookup() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
300 let dict = VariantDict::default();
301 dict.insert_value("one", &(1u8.to_variant()));
302 assert_eq!(dict.lookup::<u8>("one")?.unwrap(), 1u8);
303 assert_eq!(
304 dict.lookup::<String>("one").err().unwrap().actual,
305 u8::static_variant_type()
306 );
307 assert!(dict.lookup::<u8>("two")?.is_none());
308 Ok(())
309 }
311 #[test]
312 fn create_populate_remove() {
313 let dict = VariantDict::default();
314 let empty_var = dict.to_variant();
315 dict.insert("one", 1u64);
316 assert!(dict.remove("one"));
317 assert!(!dict.remove("one"));
318 let var2 = dict.to_variant();
319 assert_eq!(empty_var, var2);
320 }