pub trait ContainerExt: 'static {
Show 31 methods fn add(&self, widget: &impl IsA<Widget>); fn check_resize(&self); fn child_notify(&self, child: &impl IsA<Widget>, child_property: &str); fn child_notify_by_pspec(
        child: &impl IsA<Widget>,
        pspec: impl AsRef<ParamSpec>
    ); fn child_type(&self) -> Type; fn forall<P: FnMut(&Widget)>(&self, callback: P); fn foreach<P: FnMut(&Widget)>(&self, callback: P); fn border_width(&self) -> u32; fn children(&self) -> Vec<Widget>; fn focus_child(&self) -> Option<Widget>; fn focus_hadjustment(&self) -> Option<Adjustment>; fn focus_vadjustment(&self) -> Option<Adjustment>; fn path_for_child(&self, child: &impl IsA<Widget>) -> Option<WidgetPath>; fn propagate_draw(&self, child: &impl IsA<Widget>, cr: &Context); fn remove(&self, widget: &impl IsA<Widget>); fn set_border_width(&self, border_width: u32); fn set_focus_chain(&self, focusable_widgets: &[Widget]); fn set_focus_child(&self, child: Option<&impl IsA<Widget>>); fn set_focus_hadjustment(&self, adjustment: &impl IsA<Adjustment>); fn set_focus_vadjustment(&self, adjustment: &impl IsA<Adjustment>); fn unset_focus_chain(&self); fn set_child<P: IsA<Widget>>(&self, child: Option<&P>); fn resize_mode(&self) -> ResizeMode; fn set_resize_mode(&self, resize_mode: ResizeMode); fn connect_add<F: Fn(&Self, &Widget) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_check_resize<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_remove<F: Fn(&Self, &Widget) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_set_focus_child<F: Fn(&Self, &Widget) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_border_width_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_child_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId; fn connect_resize_mode_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(
        f: F
    ) -> SignalHandlerId;
Expand description

Required Methods

Adds widget to self. Typically used for simple containers such as Window, Frame, or Button; for more complicated layout containers such as Box or Grid, this function will pick default packing parameters that may not be correct. So consider functions such as BoxExt::pack_start() and GridExt::attach() as an alternative to add() in those cases. A widget may be added to only one container at a time; you can’t place the same widget inside two different containers.

Note that some containers, such as ScrolledWindow or ListBox, may add intermediate children between the added widget and the container.


a widget to be placed inside self

Emits a signal::Widget::child-notify signal for the [child property][child-properties] child_property on the child.

This is an analogue of ObjectExt::notify() for child properties.

Also see WidgetExt::child_notify().


the child widget


the name of a child property installed on the class of self

Emits a signal::Widget::child-notify signal for the [child property][child-properties] specified by pspec on the child.

This is an analogue of ObjectExt::notify_by_pspec() for child properties.


the child widget


the glib::ParamSpec of a child property instealled on the class of self
