
1// This file was generated by gir (
2// from gir-files (
5use crate::{ffi, Window};
6use glib::{
7    prelude::*,
8    signal::{connect_raw, SignalHandlerId},
9    translate::*,
11use std::{boxed::Box as Box_, pin::Pin};
13glib::wrapper! {
14    /// Collects the arguments that are needed to open a file with an application.
15    ///
16    /// Depending on system configuration, user preferences and available APIs, this
17    /// may or may not show an app chooser dialog or launch the default application
18    /// right away.
19    ///
20    /// The operation is started with the [`launch()`][Self::launch()] function.
21    ///
22    /// To launch uris that don't represent files, use [`UriLauncher`][crate::UriLauncher].
23    ///
24    /// ## Properties
25    ///
26    ///
27    /// #### `always-ask`
28    ///  Whether to ask the user to choose an app for opening the file. If `FALSE`,
29    /// the file might be opened with a default app or the previous choice.
30    ///
31    /// Readable | Writeable
32    ///
33    ///
34    /// #### `file`
35    ///  The file to launch.
36    ///
37    /// Readable | Writeable
38    ///
39    ///
40    /// #### `writable`
41    ///  Whether to make the file writable for the handler.
42    ///
43    /// Readable | Writeable
44    ///
45    /// # Implements
46    ///
47    /// [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`]
48    #[doc(alias = "GtkFileLauncher")]
49    pub struct FileLauncher(Object<ffi::GtkFileLauncher, ffi::GtkFileLauncherClass>);
51    match fn {
52        type_ => || ffi::gtk_file_launcher_get_type(),
53    }
56impl FileLauncher {
57    /// Creates a new [`FileLauncher`][crate::FileLauncher] object.
58    /// ## `file`
59    /// the file to open
60    ///
61    /// # Returns
62    ///
63    /// the new [`FileLauncher`][crate::FileLauncher]
64    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_new")]
65    pub fn new(file: Option<&impl IsA<gio::File>>) -> FileLauncher {
66        assert_initialized_main_thread!();
67        unsafe {
68            from_glib_full(ffi::gtk_file_launcher_new(
69      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
70            ))
71        }
72    }
74    /// Returns whether to ask the user which app to use.
75    ///
76    /// # Returns
77    ///
78    /// true if always asking the user
79    #[cfg(feature = "v4_12")]
80    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_12")))]
81    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_get_always_ask")]
82    #[doc(alias = "get_always_ask")]
83    #[doc(alias = "always-ask")]
84    pub fn must_always_ask(&self) -> bool {
85        unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gtk_file_launcher_get_always_ask(self.to_glib_none().0)) }
86    }
88    /// Gets the file that will be opened.
89    ///
90    /// # Returns
91    ///
92    /// the file
93    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_get_file")]
94    #[doc(alias = "get_file")]
95    pub fn file(&self) -> Option<gio::File> {
96        unsafe { from_glib_none(ffi::gtk_file_launcher_get_file(self.to_glib_none().0)) }
97    }
99    /// Returns whether to make the file writable for the handler.
100    ///
101    /// # Returns
102    ///
103    /// true if the file will be made writable
104    #[cfg(feature = "v4_14")]
105    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_14")))]
106    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_get_writable")]
107    #[doc(alias = "get_writable")]
108    #[doc(alias = "writable")]
109    pub fn is_writable(&self) -> bool {
110        unsafe { from_glib(ffi::gtk_file_launcher_get_writable(self.to_glib_none().0)) }
111    }
113    /// Launches an application to open the file.
114    ///
115    /// This may present an app chooser dialog to the user.
116    /// ## `parent`
117    /// the parent window
118    /// ## `cancellable`
119    /// a cancellable to cancel the operation
120    /// ## `callback`
121    /// a callback to call when the
122    ///   operation is complete
123    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_launch")]
124    pub fn launch<P: FnOnce(Result<(), glib::Error>) + 'static>(
125        &self,
126        parent: Option<&impl IsA<Window>>,
127        cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<gio::Cancellable>>,
128        callback: P,
129    ) {
130        let main_context = glib::MainContext::ref_thread_default();
131        let is_main_context_owner = main_context.is_owner();
132        let has_acquired_main_context = (!is_main_context_owner)
133            .then(|| main_context.acquire().ok())
134            .flatten();
135        assert!(
136            is_main_context_owner || has_acquired_main_context.is_some(),
137            "Async operations only allowed if the thread is owning the MainContext"
138        );
140        let user_data: Box_<glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard<P>> =
141            Box_::new(glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(callback));
142        unsafe extern "C" fn launch_trampoline<P: FnOnce(Result<(), glib::Error>) + 'static>(
143            _source_object: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject,
144            res: *mut gio::ffi::GAsyncResult,
145            user_data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
146        ) {
147            let mut error = std::ptr::null_mut();
148            let _ = ffi::gtk_file_launcher_launch_finish(_source_object as *mut _, res, &mut error);
149            let result = if error.is_null() {
150                Ok(())
151            } else {
152                Err(from_glib_full(error))
153            };
154            let callback: Box_<glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard<P>> =
155                Box_::from_raw(user_data as *mut _);
156            let callback: P = callback.into_inner();
157            callback(result);
158        }
159        let callback = launch_trampoline::<P>;
160        unsafe {
161            ffi::gtk_file_launcher_launch(
162                self.to_glib_none().0,
163      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
164      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
165                Some(callback),
166                Box_::into_raw(user_data) as *mut _,
167            );
168        }
169    }
171    pub fn launch_future(
172        &self,
173        parent: Option<&(impl IsA<Window> + Clone + 'static)>,
174    ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), glib::Error>> + 'static>> {
175        let parent =;
176        Box_::pin(gio::GioFuture::new(self, move |obj, cancellable, send| {
177            obj.launch(
178                parent.as_ref().map(::std::borrow::Borrow::borrow),
179                Some(cancellable),
180                move |res| {
181                    send.resolve(res);
182                },
183            );
184        }))
185    }
187    /// Launches a file manager to show the file in its parent directory.
188    ///
189    /// This is only supported for native files. It will fail if @file
190    /// is e.g. a http:// uri.
191    /// ## `parent`
192    /// the parent window
193    /// ## `cancellable`
194    /// a cancellable to cancel the operation
195    /// ## `callback`
196    /// a callback to call when the
197    ///   operation is complete
198    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_open_containing_folder")]
199    pub fn open_containing_folder<P: FnOnce(Result<(), glib::Error>) + 'static>(
200        &self,
201        parent: Option<&impl IsA<Window>>,
202        cancellable: Option<&impl IsA<gio::Cancellable>>,
203        callback: P,
204    ) {
205        let main_context = glib::MainContext::ref_thread_default();
206        let is_main_context_owner = main_context.is_owner();
207        let has_acquired_main_context = (!is_main_context_owner)
208            .then(|| main_context.acquire().ok())
209            .flatten();
210        assert!(
211            is_main_context_owner || has_acquired_main_context.is_some(),
212            "Async operations only allowed if the thread is owning the MainContext"
213        );
215        let user_data: Box_<glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard<P>> =
216            Box_::new(glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard::new(callback));
217        unsafe extern "C" fn open_containing_folder_trampoline<
218            P: FnOnce(Result<(), glib::Error>) + 'static,
219        >(
220            _source_object: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GObject,
221            res: *mut gio::ffi::GAsyncResult,
222            user_data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
223        ) {
224            let mut error = std::ptr::null_mut();
225            let _ = ffi::gtk_file_launcher_open_containing_folder_finish(
226                _source_object as *mut _,
227                res,
228                &mut error,
229            );
230            let result = if error.is_null() {
231                Ok(())
232            } else {
233                Err(from_glib_full(error))
234            };
235            let callback: Box_<glib::thread_guard::ThreadGuard<P>> =
236                Box_::from_raw(user_data as *mut _);
237            let callback: P = callback.into_inner();
238            callback(result);
239        }
240        let callback = open_containing_folder_trampoline::<P>;
241        unsafe {
242            ffi::gtk_file_launcher_open_containing_folder(
243                self.to_glib_none().0,
244      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
245      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
246                Some(callback),
247                Box_::into_raw(user_data) as *mut _,
248            );
249        }
250    }
252    pub fn open_containing_folder_future(
253        &self,
254        parent: Option<&(impl IsA<Window> + Clone + 'static)>,
255    ) -> Pin<Box_<dyn std::future::Future<Output = Result<(), glib::Error>> + 'static>> {
256        let parent =;
257        Box_::pin(gio::GioFuture::new(self, move |obj, cancellable, send| {
258            obj.open_containing_folder(
259                parent.as_ref().map(::std::borrow::Borrow::borrow),
260                Some(cancellable),
261                move |res| {
262                    send.resolve(res);
263                },
264            );
265        }))
266    }
268    /// Sets whether to always ask the user which app to use.
269    ///
270    /// If false, the file might be opened with a default app
271    /// or the previous choice.
272    /// ## `always_ask`
273    /// whether to always ask
274    #[cfg(feature = "v4_12")]
275    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_12")))]
276    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_set_always_ask")]
277    #[doc(alias = "always-ask")]
278    pub fn set_always_ask(&self, always_ask: bool) {
279        unsafe {
280            ffi::gtk_file_launcher_set_always_ask(self.to_glib_none().0, always_ask.into_glib());
281        }
282    }
284    /// Sets the file that will be opened.
285    /// ## `file`
286    /// the file
287    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_set_file")]
288    #[doc(alias = "file")]
289    pub fn set_file(&self, file: Option<&impl IsA<gio::File>>) {
290        unsafe {
291            ffi::gtk_file_launcher_set_file(
292                self.to_glib_none().0,
293      |p| p.as_ref()).to_glib_none().0,
294            );
295        }
296    }
298    /// Sets whether to make the file writable for the handler.
299    /// ## `writable`
300    /// whether to make the file writable
301    #[cfg(feature = "v4_14")]
302    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_14")))]
303    #[doc(alias = "gtk_file_launcher_set_writable")]
304    #[doc(alias = "writable")]
305    pub fn set_writable(&self, writable: bool) {
306        unsafe {
307            ffi::gtk_file_launcher_set_writable(self.to_glib_none().0, writable.into_glib());
308        }
309    }
311    #[cfg(feature = "v4_12")]
312    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_12")))]
313    #[doc(alias = "always-ask")]
314    pub fn connect_always_ask_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId {
315        unsafe extern "C" fn notify_always_ask_trampoline<F: Fn(&FileLauncher) + 'static>(
316            this: *mut ffi::GtkFileLauncher,
317            _param_spec: glib::ffi::gpointer,
318            f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
319        ) {
320            let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
321            f(&from_glib_borrow(this))
322        }
323        unsafe {
324            let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
325            connect_raw(
326                self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
327                b"notify::always-ask\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
328                Some(std::mem::transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
329                    notify_always_ask_trampoline::<F> as *const (),
330                )),
331                Box_::into_raw(f),
332            )
333        }
334    }
336    #[cfg(feature = "v4_10")]
337    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_10")))]
338    #[doc(alias = "file")]
339    pub fn connect_file_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId {
340        unsafe extern "C" fn notify_file_trampoline<F: Fn(&FileLauncher) + 'static>(
341            this: *mut ffi::GtkFileLauncher,
342            _param_spec: glib::ffi::gpointer,
343            f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
344        ) {
345            let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
346            f(&from_glib_borrow(this))
347        }
348        unsafe {
349            let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
350            connect_raw(
351                self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
352                b"notify::file\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
353                Some(std::mem::transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
354                    notify_file_trampoline::<F> as *const (),
355                )),
356                Box_::into_raw(f),
357            )
358        }
359    }
361    #[cfg(feature = "v4_14")]
362    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "v4_14")))]
363    #[doc(alias = "writable")]
364    pub fn connect_writable_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId {
365        unsafe extern "C" fn notify_writable_trampoline<F: Fn(&FileLauncher) + 'static>(
366            this: *mut ffi::GtkFileLauncher,
367            _param_spec: glib::ffi::gpointer,
368            f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
369        ) {
370            let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
371            f(&from_glib_borrow(this))
372        }
373        unsafe {
374            let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
375            connect_raw(
376                self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
377                b"notify::writable\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
378                Some(std::mem::transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
379                    notify_writable_trampoline::<F> as *const (),
380                )),
381                Box_::into_raw(f),
382            )
383        }
384    }