
1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use std::{boxed::Box as Box_, mem::transmute};
5use glib::{
6    signal::{connect_raw, SignalHandlerId},
7    translate::*,
8    value::FromValue,
9    Slice, Type,
12use crate::{ffi, prelude::*, DropTarget};
14impl DropTarget {
15    /// Sets the supported `GType`s for this drop target.
16    /// ## `types`
17    /// all supported `GType`s
18    ///   that can be dropped on the target
19    #[doc(alias = "gtk_drop_target_set_gtypes")]
20    pub fn set_types(&self, types: &[Type]) {
21        let types: Vec<glib::ffi::GType> = types.iter().map(|t| t.into_glib()).collect();
22        unsafe {
23            ffi::gtk_drop_target_set_gtypes(
24                self.to_glib_none().0,
25                mut_override(types.as_ptr()),
26                types.len(),
27            )
28        }
29    }
31    #[doc(alias = "gtk_drop_target_get_value")]
32    #[doc(alias = "get_value")]
33    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
34    /// Similar to [`Self::value`] but panics if the value is of a different
35    /// type.
36    pub fn value_as<V: for<'b> FromValue<'b> + 'static>(&self) -> Option<V> {
37        self.value().map(|v| {
38            v.get_owned::<V>()
39                .expect("Failed to get value as this type")
40        })
41    }
43    /// Gets the list of supported `GType`s that can be dropped on the target.
44    ///
45    /// If no types have been set, `NULL` will be returned.
46    ///
47    /// # Returns
48    ///
49    ///
50    ///   the `G_TYPE_INVALID`-terminated array of types included in
51    ///   formats
52    #[doc(alias = "gtk_drop_target_get_gtypes")]
53    #[doc(alias = "get_gtypes")]
54    pub fn types(&self) -> Slice<Type> {
55        unsafe {
56            let mut n_types = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
57            let types =
58                ffi::gtk_drop_target_get_gtypes(self.to_glib_none().0, n_types.as_mut_ptr());
60            Slice::from_glib_none_num(types, n_types.assume_init() as _)
61        }
62    }
64    // Returns true if the drop was accepted
65    /// Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget.
66    ///
67    /// The signal handler must determine whether the pointer position is in
68    /// a drop zone or not. If it is not in a drop zone, it returns [`false`]
69    /// and no further processing is necessary.
70    ///
71    /// Otherwise, the handler returns [`true`]. In this case, this handler will
72    /// accept the drop. The handler is responsible for using the given @value
73    /// and performing the drop operation.
74    /// ## `value`
75    /// the `GValue` being dropped
76    /// ## `x`
77    /// the x coordinate of the current pointer position
78    /// ## `y`
79    /// the y coordinate of the current pointer position
80    ///
81    /// # Returns
82    ///
83    /// whether the drop was accepted at the given pointer position
84    pub fn connect_drop<F: Fn(&DropTarget, &glib::Value, f64, f64) -> bool + 'static>(
85        &self,
86        f: F,
87    ) -> SignalHandlerId {
88        unsafe extern "C" fn drop_trampoline<
89            F: Fn(&DropTarget, &glib::Value, f64, f64) -> bool + 'static,
90        >(
91            this: *mut ffi::GtkDropTarget,
92            value: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GValue,
93            x: libc::c_double,
94            y: libc::c_double,
95            f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
96        ) -> glib::ffi::gboolean {
97            let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
98            f(
99                &from_glib_borrow(this),
100                &*(value as *const glib::Value),
101                x,
102                y,
103            )
104            .into_glib()
105        }
106        unsafe {
107            let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
108            connect_raw(
109                self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
110                b"drop\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
111                Some(transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
112                    drop_trampoline::<F> as *const (),
113                )),
114                Box_::into_raw(f),
115            )
116        }
117    }