
1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use glib::{prelude::*, translate::*, BoolError, StrV, Variant};
5use crate::{ffi, prelude::*, Settings, SettingsBindFlags};
7#[must_use = "The builder must be built to be used"]
8pub struct BindingBuilder<'a> {
9    settings: &'a Settings,
10    key: &'a str,
11    object: &'a glib::Object,
12    property: &'a str,
13    flags: SettingsBindFlags,
14    #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
15    get_mapping: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&glib::Variant, glib::Type) -> Option<glib::Value>>>,
16    #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)]
17    set_mapping: Option<Box<dyn Fn(&glib::Value, glib::VariantType) -> Option<glib::Variant>>>,
20impl BindingBuilder<'_> {
21    pub fn flags(mut self, flags: SettingsBindFlags) -> Self {
22        self.flags = flags;
23        self
24    }
26    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
27    /// Set the binding flags to [`GET`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::GET].
28    pub fn get(mut self) -> Self {
29        self.flags |= SettingsBindFlags::GET;
30        self
31    }
33    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
34    /// Set the binding flags to [`SET`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::SET].
35    pub fn set(mut self) -> Self {
36        self.flags |= SettingsBindFlags::SET;
37        self
38    }
40    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
41    /// Unsets the default [`GET`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::GET] flag.
42    pub fn set_only(mut self) -> Self {
43        self.flags = (self.flags - SettingsBindFlags::GET) | SettingsBindFlags::SET;
44        self
45    }
47    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
48    /// Unsets the default [`SET`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::SET] flag.
49    pub fn get_only(mut self) -> Self {
50        self.flags = (self.flags - SettingsBindFlags::SET) | SettingsBindFlags::GET;
51        self
52    }
54    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
55    /// Set the binding flags to [`NO_SENSITIVITY`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::NO_SENSITIVITY].
56    pub fn no_sensitivity(mut self) -> Self {
57        self.flags |= SettingsBindFlags::NO_SENSITIVITY;
58        self
59    }
61    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
62    /// Set the binding flags to [`GET_NO_CHANGES`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::GET_NO_CHANGES].
63    pub fn get_no_changes(mut self) -> Self {
64        self.flags |= SettingsBindFlags::GET_NO_CHANGES;
65        self
66    }
68    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
69    /// Set the binding flags to [`INVERT_BOOLEAN`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::INVERT_BOOLEAN].
70    pub fn invert_boolean(mut self) -> Self {
71        self.flags |= SettingsBindFlags::INVERT_BOOLEAN;
72        self
73    }
75    #[doc(alias = "get_mapping")]
76    pub fn mapping<F: Fn(&glib::Variant, glib::Type) -> Option<glib::Value> + 'static>(
77        mut self,
78        f: F,
79    ) -> Self {
80        self.get_mapping = Some(Box::new(f));
81        self
82    }
84    pub fn set_mapping<
85        F: Fn(&glib::Value, glib::VariantType) -> Option<glib::Variant> + 'static,
86    >(
87        mut self,
88        f: F,
89    ) -> Self {
90        self.set_mapping = Some(Box::new(f));
91        self
92    }
94    pub fn build(self) {
95        type Mappings = (
96            Option<Box<dyn Fn(&glib::Variant, glib::Type) -> Option<glib::Value>>>,
97            Option<Box<dyn Fn(&glib::Value, glib::VariantType) -> Option<glib::Variant>>>,
98        );
99        unsafe extern "C" fn bind_with_mapping_get_trampoline(
100            value: *mut glib::gobject_ffi::GValue,
101            variant: *mut glib::ffi::GVariant,
102            user_data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
103        ) -> glib::ffi::gboolean {
104            let user_data = &*(user_data as *const Mappings);
105            let f = user_data.0.as_ref().unwrap();
106            let value = &mut *(value as *mut glib::Value);
107            if let Some(v) = f(&from_glib_borrow(variant), value.type_()) {
108                *value = v;
109                true
110            } else {
111                false
112            }
113            .into_glib()
114        }
115        unsafe extern "C" fn bind_with_mapping_set_trampoline(
116            value: *const glib::gobject_ffi::GValue,
117            variant_type: *const glib::ffi::GVariantType,
118            user_data: glib::ffi::gpointer,
119        ) -> *mut glib::ffi::GVariant {
120            let user_data = &*(user_data as *const Mappings);
121            let f = user_data.1.as_ref().unwrap();
122            let value = &*(value as *const glib::Value);
123            f(value, from_glib_none(variant_type)).into_glib_ptr()
124        }
125        unsafe extern "C" fn destroy_closure(ptr: *mut libc::c_void) {
126            let _ = Box::<Mappings>::from_raw(ptr as *mut _);
127        }
129        if self.get_mapping.is_none() && self.set_mapping.is_none() {
130            unsafe {
131                ffi::g_settings_bind(
132                    self.settings.to_glib_none().0,
133                    self.key.to_glib_none().0,
134                    self.object.to_glib_none().0,
135          ,
136                    self.flags.into_glib(),
137                );
138            }
139        } else {
140            let get_trampoline: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_, _, _) -> _> =
141                if self.get_mapping.is_none() {
142                    None
143                } else {
144                    Some(bind_with_mapping_get_trampoline)
145                };
146            let set_trampoline: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_, _, _) -> _> =
147                if self.set_mapping.is_none() {
148                    None
149                } else {
150                    Some(bind_with_mapping_set_trampoline)
151                };
152            let mappings: Mappings = (self.get_mapping, self.set_mapping);
153            unsafe {
154                ffi::g_settings_bind_with_mapping(
155                    self.settings.to_glib_none().0,
156                    self.key.to_glib_none().0,
157                    self.object.to_glib_none().0,
158          ,
159                    self.flags.into_glib(),
160                    get_trampoline,
161                    set_trampoline,
162                    Box::into_raw(Box::new(mappings)) as *mut libc::c_void,
163                    Some(destroy_closure),
164                )
165            }
166        }
167    }
170mod sealed {
171    pub trait Sealed {}
172    impl<T: super::IsA<super::Settings>> Sealed for T {}
175pub trait SettingsExtManual: sealed::Sealed + IsA<Settings> {
176    fn get<U: FromVariant>(&self, key: &str) -> U {
177        let val = self.value(key);
178        FromVariant::from_variant(&val).unwrap_or_else(|| {
179            panic!(
180                "Type mismatch: Expected '{}' got '{}'",
181                U::static_variant_type().as_str(),
182                val.type_()
183            )
184        })
185    }
187    fn set(&self, key: &str, value: impl Into<Variant>) -> Result<(), BoolError> {
188        self.set_value(key, &value.into())
189    }
191    /// A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for string arrays.
192    ///
193    /// It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn't specified as
194    /// having an array of strings type in the schema for @self.
195    /// ## `key`
196    /// the key to get the value for
197    ///
198    /// # Returns
199    ///
200    /// a
201    /// newly-allocated, [`None`]-terminated array of strings, the value that
202    /// is stored at @key in @self.
203    #[doc(alias = "g_settings_get_strv")]
204    #[doc(alias = "get_strv")]
205    fn strv(&self, key: &str) -> StrV {
206        unsafe {
207            FromGlibPtrContainer::from_glib_full(ffi::g_settings_get_strv(
208                self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
209                key.to_glib_none().0,
210            ))
211        }
212    }
214    /// Sets @key in @self to @value.
215    ///
216    /// A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for string arrays.  If
217    /// @value is [`None`], then @key is set to be the empty array.
218    ///
219    /// It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn't specified as
220    /// having an array of strings type in the schema for @self.
221    /// ## `key`
222    /// the name of the key to set
223    /// ## `value`
224    /// the value to set it to, or [`None`]
225    ///
226    /// # Returns
227    ///
228    /// [`true`] if setting the key succeeded,
229    ///     [`false`] if the key was not writable
230    #[doc(alias = "g_settings_set_strv")]
231    fn set_strv(&self, key: &str, value: impl IntoStrV) -> Result<(), glib::error::BoolError> {
232        unsafe {
233            value.run_with_strv(|value| {
234                glib::result_from_gboolean!(
235                    ffi::g_settings_set_strv(
236                        self.as_ref().to_glib_none().0,
237                        key.to_glib_none().0,
238                        value.as_ptr() as *mut _,
239                    ),
240                    "Can't set readonly key"
241                )
242            })
243        }
244    }
246    /// Create a binding between the @key in the @self object
247    /// and the property @property of @object.
248    ///
249    /// The binding uses the default GIO mapping functions to map
250    /// between the settings and property values. These functions
251    /// handle booleans, numeric types and string types in a
252    /// straightforward way. Use g_settings_bind_with_mapping() if
253    /// you need a custom mapping, or map between types that are not
254    /// supported by the default mapping functions.
255    ///
256    /// Unless the @flags include [`SettingsBindFlags::NO_SENSITIVITY`][crate::SettingsBindFlags::NO_SENSITIVITY], this
257    /// function also establishes a binding between the writability of
258    /// @key and the "sensitive" property of @object (if @object has
259    /// a boolean property by that name). See g_settings_bind_writable()
260    /// for more details about writable bindings.
261    ///
262    /// Note that the lifecycle of the binding is tied to @object,
263    /// and that you can have only one binding per object property.
264    /// If you bind the same property twice on the same object, the second
265    /// binding overrides the first one.
266    /// ## `key`
267    /// the key to bind
268    /// ## `object`
269    /// a #GObject
270    /// ## `property`
271    /// the name of the property to bind
272    /// ## `flags`
273    /// flags for the binding
274    #[doc(alias = "g_settings_bind")]
275    #[doc(alias = "g_settings_bind_with_mapping")]
276    fn bind<'a, P: IsA<glib::Object>>(
277        &'a self,
278        key: &'a str,
279        object: &'a P,
280        property: &'a str,
281    ) -> BindingBuilder<'a> {
282        BindingBuilder {
283            settings: self.upcast_ref(),
284            key,
285            object: object.upcast_ref(),
286            property,
287            flags: SettingsBindFlags::DEFAULT,
288            get_mapping: None,
289            set_mapping: None,
290        }
291    }
294impl<O: IsA<Settings>> SettingsExtManual for O {}
297mod test {
298    use std::{env::set_var, process::Command, str::from_utf8, sync::Once};
300    use super::*;
302    static INIT: Once = Once::new();
304    fn set_env() {
305        INIT.call_once(|| {
306            let output = Command::new("glib-compile-schemas")
307                .args([
308                    &format!("{}/tests", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")),
309                    "--targetdir",
310                    env!("OUT_DIR"),
311                ])
312                .output()
313                .unwrap();
315            if !output.status.success() {
316                println!("Failed to generate GSchema!");
317                println!(
318                    "glib-compile-schemas stdout: {}",
319                    from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap()
320                );
321                println!(
322                    "glib-compile-schemas stderr: {}",
323                    from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap()
324                );
325                panic!("Can't test without GSchemas!");
326            }
328            set_var("GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR", env!("OUT_DIR"));
329            set_var("GSETTINGS_BACKEND", "memory");
330        });
331    }
333    #[test]
334    #[serial_test::serial]
335    fn string_get() {
336        set_env();
337        let settings = Settings::new("com.github.gtk-rs.test");
338        assert_eq!(settings.get::<String>("test-string").as_str(), "Good");
339    }
341    #[test]
342    #[serial_test::serial]
343    fn bool_set_get() {
344        set_env();
345        let settings = Settings::new("com.github.gtk-rs.test");
346        settings.set("test-bool", false).unwrap();
347        assert!(!settings.get::<bool>("test-bool"));
348    }
350    #[test]
351    #[should_panic]
352    #[serial_test::serial]
353    fn wrong_type() {
354        set_env();
355        let settings = Settings::new("com.github.gtk-rs.test");
356        settings.get::<u8>("test-string");
357    }