
1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use std::{
4    borrow::Borrow,
5    cmp::Ordering,
6    fmt,
7    hash::{Hash, Hasher},
8    mem,
9    ops::{Bound, Deref, RangeBounds},
10    slice,
13use crate::{ffi, translate::*};
15wrapper! {
16    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
17    /// A shared immutable byte slice (the equivalent of `Rc<[u8]>`).
18    ///
19    /// `From` implementations that take references (e.g. `&[u8]`) copy the
20    /// data. The `from_static` constructor avoids copying static data.
21    ///
22    /// ```
23    /// use glib::Bytes;
24    ///
25    /// let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
26    /// let b = Bytes::from(&v);
27    /// assert_eq!(v, b);
28    ///
29    /// let s = b"xyz";
30    /// let b = Bytes::from_static(s);
31    /// assert_eq!(&s[..], b);
32    /// ```
33    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next-stop
34    /// A simple reference counted data type representing an immutable sequence of
35    /// zero or more bytes from an unspecified origin.
36    ///
37    /// The purpose of a `GBytes` is to keep the memory region that it holds
38    /// alive for as long as anyone holds a reference to the bytes.  When
39    /// the last reference count is dropped, the memory is released. Multiple
40    /// unrelated callers can use byte data in the `GBytes` without coordinating
41    /// their activities, resting assured that the byte data will not change or
42    /// move while they hold a reference.
43    ///
44    /// A `GBytes` can come from many different origins that may have
45    /// different procedures for freeing the memory region.  Examples are
46    /// memory from `malloc()`, from memory slices, from a
47    /// `GLib::MappedFile` or memory from other allocators.
48    ///
49    /// `GBytes` work well as keys in `GLib::HashTable`. Use
50    /// `GLib::Bytes::equal()` and `GLib::Bytes::hash()` as parameters to
51    /// `GLib::HashTable::new()` or `GLib::HashTable::new_full()`.
52    /// `GBytes` can also be used as keys in a `GLib::Tree` by passing the
53    /// `GLib::Bytes::compare()` function to `GLib::Tree::new()`.
54    ///
55    /// The data pointed to by this bytes must not be modified. For a mutable
56    /// array of bytes see [`ByteArray`][crate::ByteArray]. Use
57    /// [`unref_to_array()`][Self::unref_to_array()] to create a mutable array for a `GBytes`
58    /// sequence. To create an immutable `GBytes` from a mutable
59    /// [`ByteArray`][crate::ByteArray], use the [`ByteArray::free_to_bytes()`][crate::ByteArray::free_to_bytes()]
60    /// function.
61    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next-stop
62    /// A simple reference counted data type representing an immutable sequence of
63    /// zero or more bytes from an unspecified origin.
64    ///
65    /// The purpose of a `GBytes` is to keep the memory region that it holds
66    /// alive for as long as anyone holds a reference to the bytes.  When
67    /// the last reference count is dropped, the memory is released. Multiple
68    /// unrelated callers can use byte data in the `GBytes` without coordinating
69    /// their activities, resting assured that the byte data will not change or
70    /// move while they hold a reference.
71    ///
72    /// A `GBytes` can come from many different origins that may have
73    /// different procedures for freeing the memory region.  Examples are
74    /// memory from `malloc()`, from memory slices, from a
75    /// `GLib::MappedFile` or memory from other allocators.
76    ///
77    /// `GBytes` work well as keys in `GLib::HashTable`. Use
78    /// `GLib::Bytes::equal()` and `GLib::Bytes::hash()` as parameters to
79    /// `GLib::HashTable::new()` or `GLib::HashTable::new_full()`.
80    /// `GBytes` can also be used as keys in a `GLib::Tree` by passing the
81    /// `GLib::Bytes::compare()` function to `GLib::Tree::new()`.
82    ///
83    /// The data pointed to by this bytes must not be modified. For a mutable
84    /// array of bytes see [`ByteArray`][crate::ByteArray]. Use
85    /// [`unref_to_array()`][Self::unref_to_array()] to create a mutable array for a `GBytes`
86    /// sequence. To create an immutable `GBytes` from a mutable
87    /// [`ByteArray`][crate::ByteArray], use the [`ByteArray::free_to_bytes()`][crate::ByteArray::free_to_bytes()]
88    /// function.
89    #[doc(alias = "GBytes")]
90    pub struct Bytes(Shared<ffi::GBytes>);
92    match fn {
93        ref => |ptr| ffi::g_bytes_ref(ptr),
94        unref => |ptr| ffi::g_bytes_unref(ptr),
95        type_ => || ffi::g_bytes_get_type(),
96    }
99impl Bytes {
100    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
101    /// Copies `data` into a new shared slice.
102    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next-stop
103    /// Creates a new [`Bytes`][crate::Bytes] from @data.
104    ///
105    /// @data is copied. If @size is 0, @data may be `NULL`.
106    ///
107    /// As an optimization, `GLib::Bytes::new()` may avoid an extra allocation by
108    /// copying the data within the resulting bytes structure if sufficiently small
109    /// (since GLib 2.84).
110    /// ## `data`
111    ///
112    ///   the data to be used for the bytes
113    ///
114    /// # Returns
115    ///
116    /// a new [`Bytes`][crate::Bytes]
117    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next-stop
118    /// Creates a new [`Bytes`][crate::Bytes] from @data.
119    ///
120    /// @data is copied. If @size is 0, @data may be `NULL`.
121    ///
122    /// As an optimization, `GLib::Bytes::new()` may avoid an extra allocation by
123    /// copying the data within the resulting bytes structure if sufficiently small
124    /// (since GLib 2.84).
125    /// ## `data`
126    ///
127    ///   the data to be used for the bytes
128    ///
129    /// # Returns
130    ///
131    /// a new [`Bytes`][crate::Bytes]
132    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_new")]
133    #[inline]
134    fn new<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: T) -> Bytes {
135        let data = data.as_ref();
136        unsafe { from_glib_full(ffi::g_bytes_new(data.as_ptr() as *const _, data.len())) }
137    }
139    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
140    /// Creates a view into static `data` without copying.
141    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_new_static")]
142    #[inline]
143    pub fn from_static(data: &'static [u8]) -> Bytes {
144        unsafe {
145            from_glib_full(ffi::g_bytes_new_static(
146                data.as_ptr() as *const _,
147                data.len(),
148            ))
149        }
150    }
152    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
153    /// Takes ownership of `data` and creates a new `Bytes` without copying.
154    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_new")]
155    pub fn from_owned<T: AsRef<[u8]> + Send + 'static>(data: T) -> Bytes {
156        let data: Box<T> = Box::new(data);
157        let (size, data_ptr) = {
158            let data = (*data).as_ref();
159            (data.len(), data.as_ptr())
160        };
162        unsafe extern "C" fn drop_box<T: AsRef<[u8]> + Send + 'static>(b: ffi::gpointer) {
163            let _: Box<T> = Box::from_raw(b as *mut _);
164        }
166        unsafe {
167            from_glib_full(ffi::g_bytes_new_with_free_func(
168                data_ptr as *const _,
169                size,
170                Some(drop_box::<T>),
171                Box::into_raw(data) as *mut _,
172            ))
173        }
174    }
176    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
177    /// Returns the underlying data of the `Bytes`.
178    ///
179    /// If there is no other reference to `self` then this does not copy the data, otherwise
180    /// it is copied into newly allocated heap memory.
181    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_unref_to_data")]
182    pub fn into_data(self) -> crate::collections::Slice<u8> {
183        unsafe {
184            let mut size = mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
185            let ret = ffi::g_bytes_unref_to_data(self.into_glib_ptr(), size.as_mut_ptr());
186            crate::collections::Slice::from_glib_full_num(ret as *mut u8, size.assume_init())
187        }
188    }
190    fn calculate_offset_size(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> (usize, usize) {
191        let len = self.len();
193        let start_offset = match range.start_bound() {
194            Bound::Included(v) => *v,
195            Bound::Excluded(v) => v.checked_add(1).expect("Invalid start offset"),
196            Bound::Unbounded => 0,
197        };
198        assert!(start_offset < len, "Start offset after valid range");
200        let end_offset = match range.end_bound() {
201            Bound::Included(v) => v.checked_add(1).expect("Invalid end offset"),
202            Bound::Excluded(v) => *v,
203            Bound::Unbounded => len,
204        };
205        assert!(end_offset <= len, "End offset after valid range");
207        let size = end_offset.saturating_sub(start_offset);
209        (start_offset, size)
210    }
212    // rustdoc-stripper-ignore-next
213    /// Creates a new `Bytes` that references the given `range` of `bytes`.
214    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_new_from_bytes")]
215    pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &Self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> Self {
216        let (offset, size) = bytes.calculate_offset_size(range);
217        unsafe {
218            from_glib_full(ffi::g_bytes_new_from_bytes(
219                bytes.to_glib_none().0,
220                offset,
221                size,
222            ))
223        }
224    }
227unsafe impl Send for Bytes {}
228unsafe impl Sync for Bytes {}
230impl<'a, T: ?Sized + Borrow<[u8]> + 'a> From<&'a T> for Bytes {
231    #[inline]
232    fn from(value: &'a T) -> Bytes {
233        Bytes::new(value.borrow())
234    }
237impl fmt::Debug for Bytes {
238    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
239        f.debug_struct("Bytes")
240            .field("ptr", &ToGlibPtr::<*const _>::to_glib_none(self).0)
241            .field("data", &&self[..])
242            .finish()
243    }
246impl AsRef<[u8]> for Bytes {
247    #[inline]
248    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
249        self
250    }
253impl Deref for Bytes {
254    type Target = [u8];
256    #[inline]
257    fn deref(&self) -> &[u8] {
258        unsafe {
259            let mut len = 0;
260            let ptr = ffi::g_bytes_get_data(self.to_glib_none().0, &mut len);
261            if ptr.is_null() || len == 0 {
262                &[]
263            } else {
264                slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, len)
265            }
266        }
267    }
270impl PartialEq for Bytes {
271    #[doc(alias = "g_bytes_equal")]
272    #[inline]
273    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
274        unsafe {
275            from_glib(ffi::g_bytes_equal(
276                ToGlibPtr::<*const _>::to_glib_none(self).0 as *const _,
277                ToGlibPtr::<*const _>::to_glib_none(other).0 as *const _,
278            ))
279        }
280    }
283impl Eq for Bytes {}
285impl PartialOrd for Bytes {
286    #[inline]
287    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
288        Some(self.cmp(other))
289    }
292impl Ord for Bytes {
293    #[inline]
294    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
295        unsafe {
296            let ret = ffi::g_bytes_compare(
297                ToGlibPtr::<*const _>::to_glib_none(self).0 as *const _,
298                ToGlibPtr::<*const _>::to_glib_none(other).0 as *const _,
299            );
300            ret.cmp(&0)
301        }
302    }
305macro_rules! impl_cmp {
306    ($lhs:ty, $rhs: ty) => {
307        #[allow(clippy::redundant_slicing)]
308        #[allow(clippy::extra_unused_lifetimes)]
309        impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<$rhs> for $lhs {
310            #[inline]
311            fn eq(&self, other: &$rhs) -> bool {
312                self[..].eq(&other[..])
313            }
314        }
316        #[allow(clippy::redundant_slicing)]
317        #[allow(clippy::extra_unused_lifetimes)]
318        impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<$lhs> for $rhs {
319            #[inline]
320            fn eq(&self, other: &$lhs) -> bool {
321                self[..].eq(&other[..])
322            }
323        }
325        #[allow(clippy::redundant_slicing)]
326        #[allow(clippy::extra_unused_lifetimes)]
327        impl<'a, 'b> PartialOrd<$rhs> for $lhs {
328            #[inline]
329            fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$rhs) -> Option<Ordering> {
330                self[..].partial_cmp(&other[..])
331            }
332        }
334        #[allow(clippy::redundant_slicing)]
335        #[allow(clippy::extra_unused_lifetimes)]
336        impl<'a, 'b> PartialOrd<$lhs> for $rhs {
337            #[inline]
338            fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &$lhs) -> Option<Ordering> {
339                self[..].partial_cmp(&other[..])
340            }
341        }
342    };
345impl_cmp!(Bytes, [u8]);
346impl_cmp!(Bytes, &'a [u8]);
347impl_cmp!(&'a Bytes, [u8]);
348impl_cmp!(Bytes, Vec<u8>);
349impl_cmp!(&'a Bytes, Vec<u8>);
351impl Hash for Bytes {
352    #[inline]
353    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
354        self.len().hash(state);
355        Hash::hash_slice(self, state)
356    }
360mod tests {
361    use std::collections::HashSet;
363    use super::*;
365    #[test]
366    fn eq() {
367        let abc: &[u8] = b"abc";
368        let def: &[u8] = b"def";
369        let a1 = Bytes::from(abc);
370        let a2 = Bytes::from(abc);
371        let d = Bytes::from(def);
372        assert_eq!(a1, a2);
373        assert_eq!(def, d);
374        assert_ne!(a1, d);
375        assert_ne!(a1, def);
376    }
378    #[test]
379    fn ord() {
380        let abc: &[u8] = b"abc";
381        let def: &[u8] = b"def";
382        let a = Bytes::from(abc);
383        let d = Bytes::from(def);
384        assert!(a < d);
385        assert!(a < def);
386        assert!(abc < d);
387        assert!(d > a);
388        assert!(d > abc);
389        assert!(def > a);
390    }
392    #[test]
393    fn hash() {
394        let b1 = Bytes::from(b"this is a test");
395        let b2 = Bytes::from(b"this is a test");
396        let b3 = Bytes::from(b"test");
397        let mut set = HashSet::new();
398        set.insert(b1);
399        assert!(set.contains(&b2));
400        assert!(!set.contains(&b3));
401    }
403    #[test]
404    fn from_static() {
405        let b1 = Bytes::from_static(b"this is a test");
406        let b2 = Bytes::from(b"this is a test");
407        assert_eq!(b1, b2);
408    }
410    #[test]
411    fn from_owned() {
412        let b = Bytes::from_owned(vec![1, 2, 3]);
413        assert_eq!(b, [1u8, 2u8, 3u8].as_ref());
414    }
416    #[test]
417    fn from_bytes() {
418        let b1 = Bytes::from_owned(vec![1, 2, 3]);
419        let b2 = Bytes::from_bytes(&b1, 1..=1);
420        assert_eq!(b2, [2u8].as_ref());
421        let b2 = Bytes::from_bytes(&b1, 1..);
422        assert_eq!(b2, [2u8, 3u8].as_ref());
423        let b2 = Bytes::from_bytes(&b1, ..2);
424        assert_eq!(b2, [1u8, 2u8].as_ref());
425        let b2 = Bytes::from_bytes(&b1, ..);
426        assert_eq!(b2, [1u8, 2u8, 3u8].as_ref());
427    }
429    #[test]
430    pub fn into_data() {
431        let b = Bytes::from(b"this is a test");
432        let d = b.into_data();
433        assert_eq!(d.as_slice(), b"this is a test");
434    }