
1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use heck::ToShoutySnakeCase;
4use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
5use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens};
7pub fn impl_object_interface(input: super::Input) -> TokenStream {
8    let crate_ident = crate::utils::crate_ident_new();
9    let super::Input {
10        attrs,
11        generics,
12        trait_path,
13        self_ty,
14        unsafety,
15        items,
16        meta_dynamic,
17    } = input;
19    let register_object_interface = if let Some(dynamic) = meta_dynamic {
20        let plugin_ty = dynamic
21            .plugin_type
22            .map(|p| p.into_token_stream())
23            .unwrap_or(quote!(#crate_ident::TypeModule));
24        register_object_interface_as_dynamic(
25            &crate_ident,
26            &self_ty,
27            &plugin_ty,
28            dynamic.lazy_registration,
29        )
30    } else {
31        register_object_interface_as_static(&crate_ident, &self_ty)
32    };
34    let mut has_prerequisites = false;
35    let mut has_instance = false;
36    for item in items.iter() {
37        if let syn::ImplItem::Type(type_) = item {
38            let name = type_.ident.to_string();
39            if name == "Prerequisites" {
40                has_prerequisites = true;
41            } else if name == "Instance" {
42                has_instance = true;
43            }
44        }
45    }
47    let prerequisites_opt = if has_prerequisites {
48        None
49    } else {
50        Some(quote!(
51            type Prerequisites = ();
52        ))
53    };
55    let instance_opt = if has_instance {
56        None
57    } else {
58        Some(quote!(
59            type Instance = ::std::ffi::c_void;
60        ))
61    };
63    quote! {
64        #(#attrs)*
65        #unsafety impl #generics #trait_path for #self_ty {
66            #prerequisites_opt
67            #instance_opt
68            #(#items)*
69        }
71        unsafe impl #crate_ident::subclass::interface::ObjectInterfaceType for #self_ty {
72            #[inline]
73            fn type_() -> #crate_ident::Type {
74                Self::register_interface()
75            }
76        }
78        #register_object_interface
79    }
82// Registers the object interface as a static type.
83fn register_object_interface_as_static(
84    crate_ident: &TokenStream,
85    self_ty: &syn::Ident,
86) -> TokenStream {
87    // registers the interface on first use (lazy registration).
88    quote! {
89        impl #self_ty {
90            /// Registers the interface only once.
91            #[inline]
92            fn register_interface() -> #crate_ident::Type {
93                static TYPE: ::std::sync::OnceLock<#crate_ident::Type> = ::std::sync::OnceLock::new();
94                *TYPE.get_or_init(|| unsafe {
95                    #crate_ident::subclass::register_interface::<Self>()
96                })
97            }
98        }
99    }
102// The following implementations follows the lifecycle of plugins and of dynamic types (see [`TypePluginExt`] and [`TypeModuleExt`]).
103// An object interface can be reregistered as a dynamic type.
104fn register_object_interface_as_dynamic(
105    crate_ident: &TokenStream,
106    self_ty: &syn::Ident,
107    plugin_ty: &TokenStream,
108    lazy_registration: bool,
109) -> TokenStream {
110    // The following implementations follows the lifecycle of plugins and of dynamic types (see [`TypePluginExt`] and [`TypeModuleExt`]).
111    // An object interface can be reregistered as a dynamic type.
112    if lazy_registration {
113        // registers the object interface as a dynamic type on the first use (lazy registration).
114        // a weak reference on the plugin is stored and will be used later on the first use of the object interface.
115        // this implementation relies on a static storage of a weak reference on the plugin and of the GLib type to know if the object interface has been registered.
117        // the registration status type.
118        let registration_status_type = format_ident!("{}RegistrationStatus", self_ty);
119        // name of the static variable to store the registration status.
120        let registration_status = format_ident!(
121            "{}",
122            registration_status_type.to_string().to_shouty_snake_case()
123        );
125        quote! {
126            /// The registration status type: a tuple of the weak reference on the plugin and of the GLib type.
127            struct #registration_status_type(<#plugin_ty as #crate_ident::clone::Downgrade>::Weak, #crate_ident::Type);
128            unsafe impl Send for #registration_status_type {}
130            /// The registration status protected by a mutex guarantees so that no other threads are concurrently accessing the data.
131            static #registration_status: ::std::sync::Mutex<Option<#registration_status_type>> = ::std::sync::Mutex::new(None);
133            impl #self_ty {
134                /// Registers the object interface as a dynamic type within the plugin only once.
135                /// Plugin must have been used at least once.
136                /// Do nothing if plugin has never been used or if the object interface is already registered as a dynamic type.
137                #[inline]
138                fn register_interface() -> #crate_ident::Type {
139                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
140                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
141                        // plugin has never been used, so the object interface cannot be registered as a dynamic type.
142                        None => #crate_ident::Type::INVALID,
143                        // plugin has been used and the object interface has not been registered yet, so registers it as a dynamic type.
144                        Some(#registration_status_type(type_plugin, type_)) if !type_.is_valid() => {
145                            *type_ = #crate_ident::subclass::register_dynamic_interface::<#plugin_ty, Self>(&(type_plugin.upgrade().unwrap()));
146                            *type_
147                        },
148                        // plugin has been used and the object interface has already been registered as a dynamic type.
149                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) => *type_
150                    }
151                }
153                /// Depending on the plugin lifecycle state and on the registration status of the object interface:
154                /// If plugin is used (and has loaded the implementation) for the first time, postpones the registration and stores a weak reference on the plugin.
155                /// If plugin is reused (and has reloaded the implementation) and the object interface has been already registered as a dynamic type, reregisters it.
156                /// An object interface can be reregistered several times as a dynamic type.
157                /// If plugin is reused (and has reloaded the implementation) and the object interface has not been registered yet as a dynamic type, do nothing.
158                #[inline]
159                pub fn on_implementation_load(type_plugin: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
160                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
161                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
162                        // plugin has never been used (this is the first time), so postpones registration of the object interface as a dynamic type on the first use.
163                        None => {
164                            *registration_status = Some(#registration_status_type(#crate_ident::clone::Downgrade::downgrade(type_plugin), #crate_ident::Type::INVALID));
165                            true
166                        },
167                        // plugin has been used at least one time and the object interface has been registered as a dynamic type at least one time, so re-registers it.
168                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) if type_.is_valid() => {
169                            *type_ = #crate_ident::subclass::register_dynamic_interface::<#plugin_ty, Self>(type_plugin);
170                            type_.is_valid()
171                        },
172                        // plugin has been used at least one time but the object interface has not been registered yet as a dynamic type, so keeps postponed registration.
173                        Some(_) => {
174                            true
175                        }
176                    }
177                }
179                /// Depending on the plugin lifecycle state and on the registration status of the object interface:
180                /// If plugin has been used (or reused) but the object interface has not been registered yet as a dynamic type, cancels the postponed registration by deleting the weak reference on the plugin.
181                /// Else do nothing.
182                #[inline]
183                pub fn on_implementation_unload(type_plugin_: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
184                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
185                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
186                        // plugin has never been used, so unload implementation is unexpected.
187                        None => false,
188                        // plugin has been used at least one time and the object interface has been registered as a dynamic type at least one time.
189                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) if type_.is_valid() => true,
190                        // plugin has been used at least one time but the object interface has not been registered yet as a dynamic type, so cancels the postponed registration.
191                        Some(_) => {
192                            *registration_status = None;
193                            true
194                        }
195                    }
196                }
197            }
198        }
199    } else {
200        // registers immediately the object interface as a dynamic type.
202        // name of the static variable to store the GLib type.
203        let gtype_status = format_ident!("{}_G_TYPE", self_ty.to_string().to_shouty_snake_case());
205        quote! {
206            /// The GLib type which can be safely shared between threads.
207            static #gtype_status: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize = ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::new(#crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID);
209            impl #self_ty {
210                /// Do nothing as the object interface has been registered on implementation load.
211                #[inline]
212                fn register_interface() -> #crate_ident::Type {
213                    let gtype = #gtype_status.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire);
214                    unsafe { <#crate_ident::Type as #crate_ident::translate::FromGlib<#crate_ident::ffi::GType>>::from_glib(gtype) }
215                }
217                /// Registers the object interface as a dynamic type within the plugin.
218                /// The object interface can be registered several times as a dynamic type.
219                #[inline]
220                pub fn on_implementation_load(type_plugin: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
221                    let gtype = #crate_ident::translate::IntoGlib::into_glib(#crate_ident::subclass::register_dynamic_interface::<#plugin_ty, Self>(type_plugin));
222          , ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Release);
223                    gtype != #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID
224                }
226                /// Do nothing as object interfaces registered as dynamic types are never unregistered.
227                #[inline]
228                pub fn on_implementation_unload(type_plugin_: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
229                    true
230                }
231            }
232        }
233    }