
1// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
3use heck::{ToKebabCase, ToShoutySnakeCase, ToUpperCamelCase};
4use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
5use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
6use syn::{
7    punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, token::Comma, Attribute, Ident, Variant, Visibility,
10use crate::utils::{
11    crate_ident_new, parse_nested_meta_items, parse_optional_nested_meta_items, NestedMetaItem,
14pub const WRONG_PLACE_MSG: &str = "#[glib::flags] only supports enums";
16pub struct AttrInput {
17    pub enum_name: syn::LitStr,
18    pub allow_name_conflict: bool,
20struct FlagsDesc {
21    variant: Variant,
22    name: Option<String>,
23    nick: Option<String>,
24    skip: bool,
26impl FlagsDesc {
27    fn from_attrs(variant: Variant, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> syn::Result<Self> {
28        let mut name = NestedMetaItem::<syn::LitStr>::new("name").value_required();
29        let mut nick = NestedMetaItem::<syn::LitStr>::new("nick").value_required();
30        let mut skip = NestedMetaItem::<syn::LitBool>::new("skip").value_optional();
32        parse_nested_meta_items(attrs, "flags_value", &mut [&mut name, &mut nick, &mut skip])?;
34        Ok(Self {
35            variant,
36            name:|s| s.value()),
37            nick:|s| s.value()),
38            skip: skip.found |||b| b.value()).unwrap_or(false),
39        })
40    }
43// Generate glib::gobject_ffi::GFlagsValue structs mapping the enum such as:
44//     glib::gobject_ffi::GFlagsValue {
45//         value: MyFlags::A.bits(),
46//         value_name: "The Name\0" as *const _ as *const _,
47//         value_nick: "nick\0" as *const _ as *const _,
48//     },
49fn gen_flags_values(
50    enum_name: &Ident,
51    enum_variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
52) -> (TokenStream, usize) {
53    let crate_ident = crate_ident_new();
55    // start at one as GFlagsValue array is null-terminated
56    let mut n = 1;
57    let recurse = enum_variants
58        .iter()
59        .map(|v| FlagsDesc::from_attrs(v.clone(), &v.attrs).unwrap())
60        .filter(|desc| !desc.skip)
61        .map(|desc| {
62            let v = desc.variant;
63            let name = &v.ident;
64            let mut value_name = name.to_string().to_upper_camel_case();
65            let mut value_nick = name.to_string().to_kebab_case();
67            if let Some(n) = {
68                value_name = n;
69            }
70            if let Some(n) = desc.nick {
71                value_nick = n;
72            }
74            let value_name = format!("{value_name}\0");
75            let value_nick = format!("{value_nick}\0");
77            n += 1;
78            quote_spanned! {v.span()=>
79                #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::GFlagsValue {
80                    value: #enum_name::#name.bits(),
81                    value_name: #value_name as *const _ as *const _,
82                    value_nick: #value_nick as *const _ as *const _,
83                },
84            }
85        });
86    (
87        quote! {
88            #(#recurse)*
89        },
90        n,
91    )
94fn gen_bitflags(
95    enum_name: &Ident,
96    visibility: &Visibility,
97    enum_variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
98    crate_ident: &TokenStream,
99) -> TokenStream {
100    let recurse = enum_variants.iter().map(|v| {
101        let name = &v.ident;
102        let disc = v.discriminant.as_ref().expect("missing discriminant");
103        let value = &disc.1;
105        quote_spanned! {v.span()=>
106            const #name = #value;
107        }
108    });
110    quote! {
111        #crate_ident::bitflags::bitflags! {
112            #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
113            #visibility struct #enum_name: u32 {
114                #(#recurse)*
115            }
116        }
117    }
120fn gen_default(
121    enum_name: &Ident,
122    enum_variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
123) -> Option<TokenStream> {
124    enum_variants
125        .iter()
126        .find(|v| v.attrs.iter().any(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("default")))
127        .map(|v| {
128            let default_value = &v.ident;
130            quote! {
131                impl Default for #enum_name {
132                    fn default() -> Self {
133                        Self::from_bits_retain(#enum_name::#default_value.bits())
134                    }
135                }
136            }
137        })
140pub fn impl_flags(attr_meta: AttrInput, input: &mut syn::ItemEnum) -> TokenStream {
141    let gtype_name = attr_meta.enum_name;
143    let syn::ItemEnum {
144        attrs,
145        ident: name,
146        vis: visibility,
147        ..
148    } = input;
150    let enum_variants = &input.variants;
151    let (g_flags_values, nb_flags_values) = gen_flags_values(name, enum_variants);
153    let crate_ident = crate_ident_new();
155    let mut plugin_type = NestedMetaItem::<syn::Path>::new("plugin_type").value_required();
156    let mut lazy_registration =
157        NestedMetaItem::<syn::LitBool>::new("lazy_registration").value_required();
159    let found = parse_optional_nested_meta_items(
160        &*attrs,
161        "flags_dynamic",
162        &mut [&mut plugin_type, &mut lazy_registration],
163    );
165    let register_flags = match found {
166        Err(e) => return e.to_compile_error(),
167        Ok(None) => register_flags_as_static(
168            &crate_ident,
169            name,
170            gtype_name,
171            attr_meta.allow_name_conflict,
172            g_flags_values,
173            nb_flags_values,
174        ),
175        Ok(Some(_)) => {
176            if attr_meta.allow_name_conflict {
177                return syn::Error::new_spanned(
178                    input,
179                    "#[flags_dynamic] and #[glib::flags(allow_name_conflict)] are not allowed together",
180                ).to_compile_error();
181            }
183            // remove attribute 'flags_dynamic' from the attribute list because it is not a real proc_macro_attribute
184            attrs.retain(|attr| !attr.path().is_ident("flags_dynamic"));
185            let plugin_ty = plugin_type
186                .value
187                .map(|p| p.into_token_stream())
188                .unwrap_or(quote!(#crate_ident::TypeModule));
189            let lazy_registration =|b| b.value).unwrap_or_default();
190            register_flags_as_dynamic(
191                &crate_ident,
192                plugin_ty,
193                lazy_registration,
194                name,
195                gtype_name,
196                g_flags_values,
197                nb_flags_values,
198            )
199        }
200    };
202    let bitflags = gen_bitflags(name, visibility, enum_variants, &crate_ident);
203    let default_impl = gen_default(name, enum_variants);
205    quote! {
206        #bitflags
208        #default_impl
210        impl #crate_ident::translate::IntoGlib for #name {
211            type GlibType = u32;
213            #[inline]
214            fn into_glib(self) -> u32 {
215                self.bits()
216            }
217        }
219        impl #crate_ident::translate::FromGlib<u32> for #name {
220            #[inline]
221            unsafe fn from_glib(value: u32) -> Self {
222                Self::from_bits_truncate(value)
223            }
224        }
226        impl #crate_ident::value::ValueType for #name {
227            type Type = Self;
228        }
230        unsafe impl<'a> #crate_ident::value::FromValue<'a> for #name {
231            type Checker = #crate_ident::value::GenericValueTypeChecker<Self>;
233            #[inline]
234            unsafe fn from_value(value: &'a #crate_ident::value::Value) -> Self {
235                #crate_ident::translate::from_glib(#crate_ident::gobject_ffi::g_value_get_flags(
236                    #crate_ident::translate::ToGlibPtr::to_glib_none(value).0
237                ))
238            }
239        }
241        impl #crate_ident::value::ToValue for #name {
242            #[inline]
243            fn to_value(&self) -> #crate_ident::value::Value {
244                let mut value = #crate_ident::value::Value::for_value_type::<Self>();
245                unsafe {
246                    #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::g_value_set_flags(
247                        #crate_ident::translate::ToGlibPtrMut::to_glib_none_mut(&mut value).0,
248                        #crate_ident::translate::IntoGlib::into_glib(*self)
249                    )
250                }
251                value
252            }
254            #[inline]
255            fn value_type(&self) -> #crate_ident::Type {
256                <Self as #crate_ident::prelude::StaticType>::static_type()
257            }
258        }
260        impl #crate_ident::HasParamSpec for #name {
261            type ParamSpec = #crate_ident::ParamSpecFlags;
262            type SetValue = Self;
263            type BuilderFn = fn(&::core::primitive::str) -> #crate_ident::ParamSpecFlagsBuilder<Self>;
265            fn param_spec_builder() -> Self::BuilderFn {
266                |name| Self::ParamSpec::builder(name)
267            }
268        }
270        impl ::std::convert::From<#name> for #crate_ident::Value {
271            #[inline]
272            fn from(v: #name) -> Self {
273                #crate_ident::value::ToValue::to_value(&v)
274            }
275        }
277        impl #crate_ident::prelude::StaticType for #name {
278            #[inline]
279            fn static_type() -> #crate_ident::Type {
280                Self::register_flags()
281            }
282        }
284        #register_flags
285    }
288// Registers the flags as a static type.
289fn register_flags_as_static(
290    crate_ident: &TokenStream,
291    name: &syn::Ident,
292    gtype_name: syn::LitStr,
293    allow_name_conflict: bool,
294    g_flags_values: TokenStream,
295    nb_flags_values: usize,
296) -> TokenStream {
297    let type_name_snippet = if allow_name_conflict {
298        quote! {
299            unsafe {
300                let mut i = 0;
301                loop {
302                    let type_name = ::std::ffi::CString::new(if i == 0 {
303                        #gtype_name
304                    } else {
305                        format!("{}-{}", #gtype_name, i)
306                    })
307                    .unwrap();
308                    if #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::g_type_from_name(type_name.as_ptr()) == #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID
309                    {
310                        break type_name;
311                    }
312                    i += 1;
313                }
314            }
315        }
316    } else {
317        quote! {
318            unsafe {
319                let type_name = ::std::ffi::CString::new(#gtype_name).unwrap();
320                assert_eq!(
321                    #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::g_type_from_name(type_name.as_ptr()),
322                    #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID,
323                    "Type {} has already been registered",
324                    type_name.to_str().unwrap()
325                );
327                type_name
328            }
329        }
330    };
332    // registers the flags on first use (lazy registration).
333    quote! {
334        impl #name {
335            /// Registers the flags only once.
336            #[inline]
337            fn register_flags() -> #crate_ident::Type {
338                static TYPE: ::std::sync::OnceLock<#crate_ident::Type> = ::std::sync::OnceLock::new();
339                *TYPE.get_or_init(|| {
340                    static mut VALUES: [#crate_ident::gobject_ffi::GFlagsValue; #nb_flags_values] = [
341                        #g_flags_values
342                        #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::GFlagsValue {
343                            value: 0,
344                            value_name: ::std::ptr::null(),
345                            value_nick: ::std::ptr::null(),
346                        },
347                    ];
349                    let type_name = #type_name_snippet;
350                    unsafe {
351                        let type_ = #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::g_flags_register_static(type_name.as_ptr(), VALUES.as_ptr());
352                        let type_: #crate_ident::Type = #crate_ident::translate::from_glib(type_);
353                        assert!(type_.is_valid());
354                        type_
355                    }
356                })
357            }
358        }
359    }
362// The following implementations follows the lifecycle of plugins and of dynamic types (see [`TypePluginExt`] and [`TypeModuleExt`]).
363// Flags can be reregistered as a dynamic type.
364fn register_flags_as_dynamic(
365    crate_ident: &TokenStream,
366    plugin_ty: TokenStream,
367    lazy_registration: bool,
368    name: &syn::Ident,
369    gtype_name: syn::LitStr,
370    g_flags_values: TokenStream,
371    nb_flags_values: usize,
372) -> TokenStream {
373    // Wrap each GFlagsValue to FlagsValue
374    let g_flags_values_expr: syn::ExprArray = syn::parse_quote! { [#g_flags_values] };
375    let flags_values_iter = g_flags_values_expr.elems.iter().map(|v| {
376        quote_spanned! {syn::spanned::Spanned::span(&v)=>
377            #crate_ident::FlagsValue::unsafe_from(#v),
378        }
379    });
381    let flags_values = quote! {
382        #crate_ident::enums::FlagsValuesStorage<#nb_flags_values> = unsafe {
383            #crate_ident::enums::FlagsValuesStorage::<#nb_flags_values>::new([
384                #(#flags_values_iter)*
385            ])
386        }
387    };
389    // The following implementations follows the lifecycle of plugins and of dynamic types (see [`TypePluginExt`] and [`TypeModuleExt`]).
390    // Flags can be reregistered as a dynamic type.
391    if lazy_registration {
392        // registers the flags as a dynamic type on the first use (lazy registration).
393        // a weak reference on the plugin is stored and will be used later on the first use of the flags.
394        // this implementation relies on a static storage of a weak reference on the plugin and of the GLib type to know if the flags have been registered.
396        // the registration status type.
397        let registration_status_type = format_ident!("{}RegistrationStatus", name);
398        // name of the static variable to store the registration status.
399        let registration_status = format_ident!(
400            "{}",
401            registration_status_type.to_string().to_shouty_snake_case()
402        );
403        // name of the static array to store the flags values.
404        let flags_values_array =
405            format_ident!("{}_VALUES", name.to_string().to_shouty_snake_case());
407        quote! {
408            /// The registration status type: a tuple of the weak reference on the plugin and of the GLib type.
409            struct #registration_status_type(<#plugin_ty as #crate_ident::clone::Downgrade>::Weak, #crate_ident::Type);
410            unsafe impl Send for #registration_status_type {}
412            /// The registration status protected by a mutex guarantees so that no other threads are concurrently accessing the data.
413            static #registration_status: ::std::sync::Mutex<Option<#registration_status_type>> = ::std::sync::Mutex::new(None);
415            /// Array of `FlagsValue` for the possible flags values.
416            static #flags_values_array: #flags_values;
418            impl #name {
419                /// Registers the flags as a dynamic type within the plugin only once.
420                /// Plugin must have been used at least once.
421                /// Do nothing if plugin has never been used or if the flags are already registered as a dynamic type.
422                #[inline]
423                fn register_flags() -> #crate_ident::Type {
424                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
425                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
426                        // plugin has never been used, so the flags cannot be registered as a dynamic type.
427                        None => #crate_ident::Type::INVALID,
428                        // plugin has been used and the flags have not been registered yet, so registers tem as a dynamic type.
429                        Some(#registration_status_type(type_plugin, type_)) if !type_.is_valid() => {
430                            *type_ = <#plugin_ty as glib::prelude::DynamicObjectRegisterExt>::register_dynamic_flags(type_plugin.upgrade().unwrap().as_ref(), #gtype_name, #flags_values_array.as_ref());
431                            *type_
432                        },
433                        // plugin has been used and the flags have already been registered as a dynamic type.
434                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) => *type_
435                    }
436                }
438                /// Depending on the plugin lifecycle state and on the registration status of the flags:
439                /// If plugin is used (and has loaded the implementation) for the first time, postpones the registration and stores a weak reference on the plugin.
440                /// If plugin is reused (and has reloaded the implementation) and the flags have been already registered as a dynamic type, reregisters them.
441                /// Flags can be reregistered several times as a dynamic type.
442                /// If plugin is reused (and has reloaded the implementation) and the flags have not been registered yet as a dynamic type, do nothing.
443                #[inline]
444                pub fn on_implementation_load(type_plugin: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
445                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
446                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
447                        // plugin has never been used (this is the first time), so postpones registration of the flags as a dynamic type on the first use.
448                        None => {
449                            *registration_status = Some(#registration_status_type(#crate_ident::clone::Downgrade::downgrade(type_plugin), #crate_ident::Type::INVALID));
450                            true
451                        },
452                        // plugin has been used at least one time and the flags have been registered as a dynamic type at least one time, so re-registers them.
453                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) if type_.is_valid() => {
454                            *type_ = <#plugin_ty as glib::prelude::DynamicObjectRegisterExt>::register_dynamic_flags(type_plugin, #gtype_name, #flags_values_array.as_ref());
455                            type_.is_valid()
456                        },
457                        // plugin has been used at least one time but the flags have not been registered yet as a dynamic type, so keeps postponed registration.
458                        Some(_) => {
459                            true
460                        }
461                    }
462                }
464                /// Depending on the plugin lifecycle state and on the registration status of the flags:
465                /// If plugin has been used (or reused) but the flags have not been registered yet as a dynamic type, cancels the postponed registration by deleting the weak reference on the plugin.
466                /// Else do nothing.
467                #[inline]
468                pub fn on_implementation_unload(type_plugin_: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
469                    let mut registration_status = #registration_status.lock().unwrap();
470                    match ::std::ops::DerefMut::deref_mut(&mut registration_status) {
471                        // plugin has never been used, so unload implementation is unexpected.
472                        None => false,
473                        // plugin has been used at least one time and the flags have been registered as a dynamic type at least one time.
474                        Some(#registration_status_type(_, type_)) if type_.is_valid() => true,
475                        // plugin has been used at least one time but the flags have not been registered yet as a dynamic type, so cancels the postponed registration.
476                        Some(_) => {
477                            *registration_status = None;
478                            true
479                        }
480                    }
481                }
482            }
483        }
484    } else {
485        // registers immediately the flags as a dynamic type.
487        // name of the static variable to store the GLib type.
488        let gtype_status = format_ident!("{}_G_TYPE", name.to_string().to_shouty_snake_case());
490        quote! {
491            /// The GLib type which can be safely shared between threads.
492            static #gtype_status: ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize = ::std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::new(#crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID);
494            impl #name {
495                /// Do nothing as the flags has been registered on implementation load.
496                #[inline]
497                fn register_flags() -> #crate_ident::Type {
498                    let gtype = #gtype_status.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire);
499                    unsafe { <#crate_ident::Type as #crate_ident::translate::FromGlib<#crate_ident::ffi::GType>>::from_glib(gtype) }
500                }
502                /// Registers the flags as a dynamic type within the plugin.
503                /// The flags can be registered several times as a dynamic type.
504                #[inline]
505                pub fn on_implementation_load(type_plugin: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
506                    static VALUES: #flags_values;
507                    let gtype = #crate_ident::translate::IntoGlib::into_glib(<#plugin_ty as glib::prelude::DynamicObjectRegisterExt>::register_dynamic_flags(type_plugin, #gtype_name, VALUES.as_ref()));
508          , ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Release);
509                    gtype != #crate_ident::gobject_ffi::G_TYPE_INVALID
510                }
512                /// Do nothing as flags registered as dynamic types are never unregistered.
513                #[inline]
514                pub fn on_implementation_unload(type_plugin_: &#plugin_ty) -> bool {
515                    true
516                }
517            }
518        }
519    }