Trait SettingsExt

pub trait SettingsExt:
    + Sealed
    + 'static {
Show 43 methods // Provided methods fn apply(&self) { ... } fn bind_with_mapping_closures( &self, key: &str, object: &impl IsA<Object>, property: &str, flags: SettingsBindFlags, get_mapping: Option<&Closure>, set_mapping: Option<&Closure>, ) { ... } fn bind_writable( &self, key: &str, object: &impl IsA<Object>, property: &str, inverted: bool, ) { ... } fn create_action(&self, key: &str) -> Action { ... } fn delay(&self) { ... } fn boolean(&self, key: &str) -> bool { ... } fn child(&self, name: &str) -> Settings { ... } fn default_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<Variant> { ... } fn double(&self, key: &str) -> f64 { ... } fn enum_(&self, key: &str) -> i32 { ... } fn flags(&self, key: &str) -> u32 { ... } fn has_unapplied(&self) -> bool { ... } fn int(&self, key: &str) -> i32 { ... } fn int64(&self, key: &str) -> i64 { ... } fn string(&self, key: &str) -> GString { ... } fn uint(&self, key: &str) -> u32 { ... } fn uint64(&self, key: &str) -> u64 { ... } fn user_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<Variant> { ... } fn value(&self, key: &str) -> Variant { ... } fn is_writable(&self, name: &str) -> bool { ... } fn list_children(&self) -> Vec<GString> { ... } fn reset(&self, key: &str) { ... } fn revert(&self) { ... } fn set_boolean(&self, key: &str, value: bool) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_double(&self, key: &str, value: f64) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_enum(&self, key: &str, value: i32) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_flags(&self, key: &str, value: u32) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_int(&self, key: &str, value: i32) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_int64(&self, key: &str, value: i64) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_string(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_uint(&self, key: &str, value: u32) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_uint64(&self, key: &str, value: u64) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn set_value(&self, key: &str, value: &Variant) -> Result<(), BoolError> { ... } fn backend(&self) -> Option<SettingsBackend> { ... } fn is_delay_apply(&self) -> bool { ... } fn path(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn schema_id(&self) -> Option<GString> { ... } fn settings_schema(&self) -> Option<SettingsSchema> { ... } fn connect_changed<F: Fn(&Self, &str) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_writable_change_event<F: Fn(&Self, u32) -> Propagation + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_writable_changed<F: Fn(&Self, &str) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_delay_apply_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... } fn connect_has_unapplied_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... }
Expand description

Trait containing all Settings methods.



Provided Methods§


fn apply(&self)

Applies any changes that have been made to the settings. This function does nothing unless @self is in ‘delay-apply’ mode; see g_settings_delay(). In the normal case settings are always applied immediately.


fn bind_with_mapping_closures( &self, key: &str, object: &impl IsA<Object>, property: &str, flags: SettingsBindFlags, get_mapping: Option<&Closure>, set_mapping: Option<&Closure>, )

Available on crate feature v2_82 only.

Version of g_settings_bind_with_mapping() using closures instead of callbacks for easier binding in other languages.


the key to bind


a #GObject


the name of the property to bind


flags for the binding


a function that gets called to convert values from @self to @object, or None to use the default GIO mapping


a function that gets called to convert values from @object to @self, or None to use the default GIO mapping


fn bind_writable( &self, key: &str, object: &impl IsA<Object>, property: &str, inverted: bool, )

Create a binding between the writability of @key in the @self object and the property @property of @object. The property must be boolean; “sensitive” or “visible” properties of widgets are the most likely candidates.

Writable bindings are always uni-directional; changes of the writability of the setting will be propagated to the object property, not the other way.

When the @inverted argument is true, the binding inverts the value as it passes from the setting to the object, i.e. @property will be set to true if the key is not writable.

Note that the lifecycle of the binding is tied to @object, and that you can have only one binding per object property. If you bind the same property twice on the same object, the second binding overrides the first one.


the key to bind


a #GObject


the name of a boolean property to bind


whether to ‘invert’ the value


fn create_action(&self, key: &str) -> Action

Creates a #GAction corresponding to a given #GSettings key.

The action has the same name as the key.

The value of the key becomes the state of the action and the action is enabled when the key is writable. Changing the state of the action results in the key being written to. Changes to the value or writability of the key cause appropriate change notifications to be emitted for the action.

For boolean-valued keys, action activations take no parameter and result in the toggling of the value. For all other types, activations take the new value for the key (which must have the correct type).


the name of a key in @self


a new #GAction


fn delay(&self)

Changes the #GSettings object into ‘delay-apply’ mode. In this mode, changes to @self are not immediately propagated to the backend, but kept locally until g_settings_apply() is called.


fn boolean(&self, key: &str) -> bool

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for booleans.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a boolean type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a boolean


fn child(&self, name: &str) -> Settings

Creates a child settings object which has a base path of base-path/@name, where base-path is the base path of @self.

The schema for the child settings object must have been declared in the schema of @self using a <child> element.

The created child settings object will inherit the #GSettings:delay-apply mode from @self.


the name of the child schema


a ‘child’ settings object


fn default_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<Variant>

Gets the “default value” of a key.

This is the value that would be read if g_settings_reset() were to be called on the key.

Note that this may be a different value than returned by g_settings_schema_key_get_default_value() if the system administrator has provided a default value.

Comparing the return values of g_settings_get_default_value() and g_settings_get_value() is not sufficient for determining if a value has been set because the user may have explicitly set the value to something that happens to be equal to the default. The difference here is that if the default changes in the future, the user’s key will still be set.

This function may be useful for adding an indication to a UI of what the default value was before the user set it.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self.


the key to get the default value for


the default value


fn double(&self, key: &str) -> f64

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for doubles.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a ‘double’ type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a double


fn enum_(&self, key: &str) -> i32

Gets the value that is stored in @self for @key and converts it to the enum value that it represents.

In order to use this function the type of the value must be a string and it must be marked in the schema file as an enumerated type.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self or is not marked as an enumerated type.

If the value stored in the configuration database is not a valid value for the enumerated type then this function will return the default value.


the key to get the value for


the enum value


fn flags(&self, key: &str) -> u32

Gets the value that is stored in @self for @key and converts it to the flags value that it represents.

In order to use this function the type of the value must be an array of strings and it must be marked in the schema file as a flags type.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self or is not marked as a flags type.

If the value stored in the configuration database is not a valid value for the flags type then this function will return the default value.


the key to get the value for


the flags value


fn has_unapplied(&self) -> bool

Returns whether the #GSettings object has any unapplied changes. This can only be the case if it is in ‘delayed-apply’ mode.


true if @self has unapplied changes


fn int(&self, key: &str) -> i32

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 32-bit integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a int32 type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


an integer


fn int64(&self, key: &str) -> i64

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 64-bit integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a int64 type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a 64-bit integer


fn string(&self, key: &str) -> GString

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for strings.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a string type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a newly-allocated string


fn uint(&self, key: &str) -> u32

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 32-bit unsigned integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a uint32 type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


an unsigned integer


fn uint64(&self, key: &str) -> u64

Gets the value that is stored at @key in @self.

A convenience variant of g_settings_get() for 64-bit unsigned integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a uint64 type in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a 64-bit unsigned integer


fn user_value(&self, key: &str) -> Option<Variant>

Checks the “user value” of a key, if there is one.

The user value of a key is the last value that was set by the user.

After calling g_settings_reset() this function should always return None (assuming something is not wrong with the system configuration).

It is possible that g_settings_get_value() will return a different value than this function. This can happen in the case that the user set a value for a key that was subsequently locked down by the system administrator – this function will return the user’s old value.

This function may be useful for adding a “reset” option to a UI or for providing indication that a particular value has been changed.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self.


the key to get the user value for


the user’s value, if set


fn value(&self, key: &str) -> Variant

Gets the value that is stored in @self for @key.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self.


the key to get the value for


a new #GVariant


fn is_writable(&self, name: &str) -> bool

Finds out if a key can be written or not


the name of a key


true if the key @name is writable


fn list_children(&self) -> Vec<GString>

Gets the list of children on @self.

The list is exactly the list of strings for which it is not an error to call g_settings_get_child().

There is little reason to call this function from “normal” code, since you should already know what children are in your schema. This function may still be useful there for introspection reasons, however.

You should free the return value with g_strfreev() when you are done with it.


a list of the children on @self, in no defined order


fn reset(&self, key: &str)

Resets @key to its default value.

This call resets the key, as much as possible, to its default value. That might be the value specified in the schema or the one set by the administrator.


the name of a key


fn revert(&self)

Reverts all non-applied changes to the settings. This function does nothing unless @self is in ‘delay-apply’ mode; see g_settings_delay(). In the normal case settings are always applied immediately.

Change notifications will be emitted for affected keys.


fn set_boolean(&self, key: &str, value: bool) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for booleans.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a boolean type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_double(&self, key: &str, value: f64) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for doubles.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a ‘double’ type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_enum(&self, key: &str, value: i32) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Looks up the enumerated type nick for @value and writes it to @key, within @self.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self or is not marked as an enumerated type, or for @value not to be a valid value for the named type.

After performing the write, accessing @key directly with g_settings_get_string() will return the ‘nick’ associated with @value.


a key, within @self


an enumerated value


true, if the set succeeds


fn set_flags(&self, key: &str, value: u32) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Looks up the flags type nicks for the bits specified by @value, puts them in an array of strings and writes the array to @key, within @self.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self or is not marked as a flags type, or for @value to contain any bits that are not value for the named type.

After performing the write, accessing @key directly with g_settings_get_strv() will return an array of ‘nicks’; one for each bit in @value.


a key, within @self


a flags value


true, if the set succeeds


fn set_int(&self, key: &str, value: i32) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 32-bit integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a int32 type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_int64(&self, key: &str, value: i64) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 64-bit integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a int64 type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_string(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for strings.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a string type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_uint(&self, key: &str, value: u32) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 32-bit unsigned integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a uint32 type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_uint64(&self, key: &str, value: u64) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

A convenience variant of g_settings_set() for 64-bit unsigned integers.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t specified as having a uint64 type in the schema for @self.


the name of the key to set


the value to set it to


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn set_value(&self, key: &str, value: &Variant) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets @key in @self to @value.

It is a programmer error to give a @key that isn’t contained in the schema for @self or for @value to have the incorrect type, per the schema.

If @value is floating then this function consumes the reference.


the name of the key to set


a #GVariant of the correct type


true if setting the key succeeded, false if the key was not writable


fn backend(&self) -> Option<SettingsBackend>

The name of the context that the settings are stored in.


fn is_delay_apply(&self) -> bool

Whether the #GSettings object is in ‘delay-apply’ mode. See g_settings_delay() for details.


fn path(&self) -> Option<GString>

The path within the backend where the settings are stored.


fn schema_id(&self) -> Option<GString>

The name of the schema that describes the types of keys for this #GSettings object.


fn settings_schema(&self) -> Option<SettingsSchema>

The #GSettingsSchema describing the types of keys for this #GSettings object.

Ideally, this property would be called ‘schema’. #GSettingsSchema has only existed since version 2.32, however, and before then the ‘schema’ property was used to refer to the ID of the schema rather than the schema itself. Take care.


fn connect_changed<F: Fn(&Self, &str) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

The “changed” signal is emitted when a key has potentially changed. You should call one of the g_settings_get() calls to check the new value.

This signal supports detailed connections. You can connect to the detailed signal “changed::x” in order to only receive callbacks when key “x” changes.

Note that @settings only emits this signal if you have read @key at least once while a signal handler was already connected for @key.


the name of the key that changed


fn connect_writable_change_event<F: Fn(&Self, u32) -> Propagation + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

The “writable-change-event” signal is emitted once per writability change event that affects this settings object. You should connect to this signal if you are interested in viewing groups of changes before they are split out into multiple emissions of the “writable-changed” signal. For most use cases it is more appropriate to use the “writable-changed” signal.

In the event that the writability change applies only to a single key, @key will be set to the #GQuark for that key. In the event that the writability change affects the entire settings object, @key will be 0.

The default handler for this signal invokes the “writable-changed” and “changed” signals for each affected key. This is done because changes in writability might also imply changes in value (if for example, a new mandatory setting is introduced). If any other connected handler returns true then this default functionality will be suppressed.


the quark of the key, or 0


true to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. FALSE to propagate the event further.


fn connect_writable_changed<F: Fn(&Self, &str) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

The “writable-changed” signal is emitted when the writability of a key has potentially changed. You should call g_settings_is_writable() in order to determine the new status.

This signal supports detailed connections. You can connect to the detailed signal “writable-changed::x” in order to only receive callbacks when the writability of “x” changes.


the key


fn connect_delay_apply_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_has_unapplied_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
