Crate gio

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§Rust GIO bindings

Rust bindings and wrappers for GIO, part of gtk-rs-core.

GIO 2.56 is the lowest supported version for the underlying library.

§Minimum supported Rust version

Currently, the minimum supported Rust version is 1.70.0.



We recommend using crates from, as demonstrated here.

If you want to track the bleeding edge, use the git dependency instead:

gio = { git = "", package = "gio" }

Avoid mixing versioned and git crates like this:

# This will not compile
gio = "0.13"
gio = { git = "", package = "gio" }

§See Also


gio is available under the MIT License, please refer to it.


  • pub use crate::resource::resources_register_include_impl;
  • pub use gio_sys as ffi;
  • pub use glib;
  • pub use crate::functions::*;



  • Include gresources generated with glib_build_tools::compile_resources and register with glib. path is relative to OUTDIR.


  • GAction represents a single named action.
  • This struct defines a single action. It is for use with g_action_map_add_action_entries().
  • GActionGroup represents a group of actions.
  • GActionMap is an interface for action containers.
  • Information about an installed application and methods to launch it (with file arguments).
  • Flags used when creating a #GAppInfo.
  • GAppInfoMonitor monitors application information for changes.
  • Integrating the launch with the launching application. This is used to handle for instance startup notification and launching the new application on the same screen as the launching window.
  • GApplication is the core class for application support.
  • GApplicationCommandLine represents a command-line invocation of an application.
  • Flags used to define the behaviour of a #GApplication.
  • #GAskPasswordFlags are used to request specific information from the user, or to notify the user of their choices in an authentication situation.
  • GAsyncInitable is an interface for asynchronously initializable objects.
  • GAsyncResult provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results.
  • Buffered input stream implements #GFilterInputStream and provides for buffered reads.
  • Buffered output stream implements FilterOutputStream and provides for buffered writes.
  • Flags used in g_bus_own_name().
  • Flags used in g_bus_watch_name().
  • GBytesIcon specifies an image held in memory in a common format (usually PNG) to be used as icon.
  • GCancellable allows operations to be cancelled.
  • A future which can be cancelled via Cancellable.
  • Indicator that the CancellableFuture was cancelled.
  • GCharsetConverter is an implementation of Converter based on GLib::IConv.
  • GConverter is an interface for streaming conversions.
  • Flags used when calling a g_converter_convert().
  • Converter input stream implements InputStream and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.
  • Converter output stream implements OutputStream and allows conversion of data of various types during reading.
  • The GCredentials type is a reference-counted wrapper for native credentials.
  • GDBusActionGroup is an implementation of the ActionGroup interface.
  • Information about an argument for a method or a signal.
  • GDBusAuthObserver provides a mechanism for participating in how a DBusServer (or a DBusConnection) authenticates remote peers.
  • Flags used in g_dbus_connection_call() and similar APIs.
  • Capabilities negotiated with the remote peer.
  • The GDBusConnection type is used for D-Bus connections to remote peers such as a message buses.
  • Flags used when creating a new #GDBusConnection.
  • Base type for D-Bus interfaces.
  • Information about a D-Bus interface.
  • Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side.
  • Flags describing the behavior of a #GDBusInterfaceSkeleton instance.
  • GDBusMenuModel is an implementation of MenuModel that can be used as a proxy for a menu model that is exported over D-Bus with DBusConnection::export_menu_model().
  • A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a DBusConnection.
  • Message flags used in #GDBusMessage.
  • Information about a method on a D-Bus interface.
  • Instances of the GDBusMethodInvocation class are used when handling D-Bus method calls. It provides a way to asynchronously return results and errors.
  • Information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy.
  • The GDBusObject type is the base type for D-Bus objects on both the service side (see Gio::DBusObjectSkeleton) and the client side (see Gio::DBusObjectProxy). It is essentially just a container of interfaces.
  • The GDBusObjectManager type is the base type for service- and client-side implementations of the standardized org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager interface.
  • Flags used when constructing a #GDBusObjectManagerClient.
  • Information about a D-Bus property on a D-Bus interface.
  • GDBusProxy is a base class used for proxies to access a D-Bus interface on a remote object. A GDBusProxy can be constructed for both well-known and unique names.
  • Flags used when constructing an instance of a #GDBusProxy derived class.
  • Flags used when sending #GDBusMessages on a #GDBusConnection.
  • GDBusServer is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections. This can be used to create a new D-Bus server, allowing two peers to use the D-Bus protocol for their own specialized communication. A server instance provided in this way will not perform message routing or implement the org.freedesktop.DBus interface.
  • Flags used when creating a #GDBusServer.
  • Flags used when subscribing to signals via g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe().
  • Information about a signal on a D-Bus interface.
  • Data input stream implements InputStream and includes functions for reading structured data directly from a binary input stream.
  • Data output stream implements OutputStream and includes functions for writing data directly to an output stream.
  • Interface for socket-like objects with datagram semantics.
  • GDebugController is an interface to expose control of debugging features and debug output.
  • GDebugControllerDBus is an implementation of DebugController which exposes debug settings as a D-Bus object.
  • DesktopAppInfoNon-Windows and non-macOS
    GDesktopAppInfo is an implementation of AppInfo based on desktop files.
  • GDrive represents a piece of hardware connected to the machine. It’s generally only created for removable hardware or hardware with removable media.
  • Flags used when starting a drive.
  • GEmblem is an implementation of Icon that supports having an emblem, which is an icon with additional properties. It can than be added to a EmblemedIcon.
  • GEmblemedIcon is an implementation of Icon that supports adding an emblem to an icon. Adding multiple emblems to an icon is ensured via EmblemedIconExt::add_emblem().
  • GFile is a high level abstraction for manipulating files on a virtual file system. GFiles are lightweight, immutable objects that do no I/O upon creation. It is necessary to understand that GFile objects do not represent files, merely an identifier for a file. All file content I/O is implemented as streaming operations (see InputStream and OutputStream).
  • Information about a specific attribute.
  • Flags specifying the behaviour of an attribute.
  • Acts as a lightweight registry for possible valid file attributes. The registry stores Key-Value pair formats as #GFileAttributeInfos.
  • Determines if a string matches a file attribute.
  • Flags used when copying or moving files.
  • Flags used when an operation may create a file.
  • GFileDescriptorBased is an interface for file descriptor based IO.
  • GFileEnumerator allows you to operate on a set of File objects, returning a FileInfo structure for each file enumerated (e.g. FileExt::enumerate_children() will return a GFileEnumerator for each of the children within a directory).
  • A Stream used to enumerate files in directories.
  • GFileIOStream provides I/O streams that both read and write to the same file handle.
  • GFileIcon specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon.
  • Stores information about a file system object referenced by a File.
  • GFileInputStream provides input streams that take their content from a file.
  • Flags that can be used with g_file_measure_disk_usage().
  • Monitors a file or directory for changes.
  • Flags used to set what a #GFileMonitor will watch for.
  • GFileOutputStream provides output streams that write their content to a file.
  • Flags used when querying a #GFileInfo.
  • Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues. Can return a list of possible completion strings for widget implementations.
  • Base class for input stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream. Typical examples of filtering operations are character set conversion, compression and byte order flipping.
  • Base class for output stream implementations that perform some kind of filtering operation on a base stream. Typical examples of filtering operations are character set conversion, compression and byte order flipping.
  • The implementation of an IOExtensionPoint. #GIOExtension is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
  • An extension point provides a mechanism to extend the functionality of a library or application. Each extension point is identified by a name, and it may optionally require that any implementation must be of a certain type. GIOExtensionPoint provides a mechanism for modules to extend the functionality of the library or application that loaded it in an organized fashion.
  • Builder for extension points.
  • GIOStream represents an object that has both read and write streams. Generally the two streams act as separate input and output streams, but they share some common resources and state. For instance, for seekable streams, both streams may use the same position.
  • GIOStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
  • GIcon is a very minimal interface for icons. It provides functions for checking the equality of two icons, hashing of icons and serializing an icon to and from strings.
  • GInetAddress represents an IPv4 or IPv6 internet address. Use ResolverExt::lookup_by_name() or ResolverExt::lookup_by_name_async() to look up the GInetAddress for a hostname. Use ResolverExt::lookup_by_address() or ResolverExt::lookup_by_address_async() to look up the hostname for a GInetAddress.
  • GInetAddressMask represents a range of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses described by a base address and a length indicating how many bits of the base address are relevant for matching purposes. These are often given in string form. For example,, or fe80::/10.
  • An IPv4 or IPv6 socket address. That is, the combination of a InetAddress and a port number.
  • GInitable is implemented by objects that can fail during initialization. If an object implements this interface then it must be initialized as the first thing after construction, either via InitableExt::init() or AsyncInitableExt::init_async() (the latter is only available if it also implements AsyncInitable).
  • Structure used for scatter/gather data input when receiving multiple messages or packets in one go. You generally pass in an array of empty #GInputVectors and the operation will use all the buffers as if they were one buffer, and will set @bytes_received to the total number of bytes received across all #GInputVectors.
  • GInputStream is a base class for implementing streaming input.
  • A handle to a task running on the I/O thread pool.
  • GListModel is an interface that represents a mutable list of glib::Object. Its main intention is as a model for various widgets in user interfaces, such as list views, but it can also be used as a convenient method of returning lists of data, with support for updates.
  • GListStore is a simple implementation of ListModel that stores all items in memory.
  • GLoadableIcon extends the Icon interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams.
  • LocalTask provides idiomatic access to gio’s GTask API, for instance by being generic over their value type, while not completely departing from the underlying C API. LocalTask does not require its value to be Send and Sync and thus is useful to to implement gio style asynchronous tasks that run in the glib main loop. If you need to run tasks in threads see the Task type.
  • GMemoryInputStream is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as input for GIO streaming input operations.
  • GMemoryMonitor will monitor system memory and suggest to the application when to free memory so as to leave more room for other applications. It is implemented on Linux using the Low Memory Monitor (API documentation).
  • GMemoryOutputStream is a class for using arbitrary memory chunks as output for GIO streaming output operations.
  • GMenu is a simple implementation of MenuModel. You populate a GMenu by adding MenuItem instances to it.
  • #GMenuAttributeIter is an opaque structure type. You must access it using the functions below.
  • #GMenuItem is an opaque structure type. You must access it using the functions below.
  • #GMenuLinkIter is an opaque structure type. You must access it using the functions below.
  • GMenuModel represents the contents of a menu — an ordered list of menu items. The items are associated with actions, which can be activated through them. Items can be grouped in sections, and may have submenus associated with them. Both items and sections usually have some representation data, such as labels or icons. The type of the associated action (ie whether it is stateful, and what kind of state it has) can influence the representation of the item.
  • The GMount interface represents user-visible mounts. Note, when porting from GnomeVFS, GMount is the moral equivalent of GnomeVFSVolume.
  • Flags used when mounting a mount.
  • GMountOperation provides a mechanism for interacting with the user. It can be used for authenticating mountable operations, such as loop mounting files, hard drive partitions or server locations. It can also be used to ask the user questions or show a list of applications preventing unmount or eject operations from completing.
  • Flags used when an unmounting a mount.
  • GNetworkAddress provides an easy way to resolve a hostname and then attempt to connect to that host, handling the possibility of multiple IP addresses and multiple address families.
  • GNetworkMonitor provides an easy-to-use cross-platform API for monitoring network connectivity. On Linux, the available implementations are based on the kernel’s netlink interface and on NetworkManager.
  • Like NetworkAddress does with hostnames, GNetworkService provides an easy way to resolve a SRV record, and then attempt to connect to one of the hosts that implements that service, handling service priority/weighting, multiple IP addresses, and multiple address families.
  • GNotification is a mechanism for creating a notification to be shown to the user — typically as a pop-up notification presented by the desktop environment shell.
  • Structure used for scatter/gather data output when sending multiple messages or packets in one go. You generally pass in an array of #GOutputVectors and the operation will use all the buffers as if they were one buffer.
  • GOutputStream is a base class for implementing streaming output.
  • GOutputStreamSpliceFlags determine how streams should be spliced.
  • A GPermission represents the status of the caller’s permission to perform a certain action.
  • GPollableInputStream is implemented by InputStreams that can be polled for readiness to read. This can be used when interfacing with a non-GIO API that expects UNIX-file-descriptor-style asynchronous I/O rather than GIO-style.
  • GPollableOutputStream is implemented by OutputStreams that can be polled for readiness to write. This can be used when interfacing with a non-GIO API that expects UNIX-file-descriptor-style asynchronous I/O rather than GIO-style.
  • GPowerProfileMonitor makes it possible for applications as well as OS components to monitor system power profiles and act upon them. It currently only exports whether the system is in “Power Saver” mode (known as “Low Power” mode on some systems).
  • A GPropertyAction is a way to get a Action with a state value reflecting and controlling the value of a glib::Object property.
  • A GProxy handles connecting to a remote host via a given type of proxy server. It is implemented by the gio-proxy extension point. The extensions are named after their proxy protocol name. As an example, a SOCKS5 proxy implementation can be retrieved with the name socks5 using the function IOExtensionPoint::extension_by_name().
  • A InetSocketAddress representing a connection via a proxy server.
  • GProxyResolver provides synchronous and asynchronous network proxy resolution. GProxyResolver is used within SocketClient through the method SocketConnectableExt::proxy_enumerate().
  • GLib type: GObject with reference counted clone semantics.
  • The GRemoteActionGroup interface is implemented by ActionGroup instances that either transmit action invocations to other processes or receive action invocations in the local process from other processes.
  • The object that handles DNS resolution. Use default() to get the default resolver.
  • Flags to modify lookup behavior.
  • Applications and libraries often contain binary or textual data that is really part of the application, rather than user data. For instance GtkBuilder .ui files, splashscreen images, Menu markup XML, CSS files, icons, etc. These are often shipped as files in $datadir/appname, or manually included as literal strings in the code.
  • GResourceLookupFlags determine how resource path lookups are handled.
  • GSeekable is implemented by streams (implementations of InputStream or OutputStream) that support seeking.
  • The GSettings class provides a convenient API for storing and retrieving application settings.
  • The GSettingsBackend interface defines a generic interface for non-strictly-typed data that is stored in a hierarchy. To implement an alternative storage backend for Settings, you need to implement the GSettingsBackend interface and then make it implement the extension point G_SETTINGS_BACKEND_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME.
  • Flags used when creating a binding. These flags determine in which direction the binding works. The default is to synchronize in both directions.
  • The SettingsSchemaSource and GSettingsSchema APIs provide a mechanism for advanced control over the loading of schemas and a mechanism for introspecting their content.
  • #GSettingsSchemaKey is an opaque data structure and can only be accessed using the following functions.
  • This is an opaque structure type. You may not access it directly.
  • A GSimpleAction is the obvious simple implementation of the Action interface. This is the easiest way to create an action for purposes of adding it to a SimpleActionGroup.
  • GSimpleActionGroup is a hash table filled with Action objects, implementing the ActionGroup and ActionMap interfaces.
  • GSimpleIOStream creates a IOStream from an arbitrary InputStream and OutputStream. This allows any pair of input and output streams to be used with IOStream methods.
  • GSimplePermission is a trivial implementation of Permission that represents a permission that is either always or never allowed. The value is given at construction and doesn’t change.
  • GSimpleProxyResolver is a simple ProxyResolver implementation that handles a single default proxy, multiple URI-scheme-specific proxies, and a list of hosts that proxies should not be used for.
  • A GSocket is a low-level networking primitive. It is a more or less direct mapping of the BSD socket API in a portable GObject based API. It supports both the UNIX socket implementations and winsock2 on Windows.
  • GSocketAddress is the equivalent of struct sockaddr and its subtypes in the BSD sockets API. This is an abstract class; use InetSocketAddress for internet sockets, or UnixSocketAddress for UNIX domain sockets.
  • GSocketAddressEnumerator is an enumerator type for SocketAddress instances. It is returned by enumeration functions such as SocketConnectableExt::enumerate(), which returns a GSocketAddressEnumerator to list each SocketAddress which could be used to connect to that SocketConnectable.
  • GSocketClient is a lightweight high-level utility class for connecting to a network host using a connection oriented socket type.
  • Objects that describe one or more potential socket endpoints implement GSocketConnectable. Callers can then use SocketConnectableExt::enumerate() to get a SocketAddressEnumerator to try out each socket address in turn until one succeeds, as shown in the sample code below.
  • GSocketConnection is a IOStream for a connected socket. They can be created either by SocketClient when connecting to a host, or by SocketListener when accepting a new client.
  • A GSocketControlMessage is a special-purpose utility message that can be sent to or received from a Socket. These types of messages are often called ‘ancillary data’.
  • A GSocketListener is an object that keeps track of a set of server sockets and helps you accept sockets from any of the socket, either sync or async.
  • A GSocketService is an object that represents a service that is provided to the network or over local sockets. When a new connection is made to the service the incoming signal is emitted.
  • A single target host/port that a network service is running on.
  • GSubprocess allows the creation of and interaction with child processes.
  • Flags to define the behaviour of a #GSubprocess.
  • This class contains a set of options for launching child processes, such as where its standard input and output will be directed, the argument list, the environment, and more.
  • Task provides idiomatic access to gio’s GTask API, for instance by being generic over their value type, while not completely departing from the underlying C API. Task is Send and Sync and requires its value to also be Send and Sync, thus is useful to to implement gio style asynchronous tasks that run in threads. If you need to only run tasks in glib main loop see the LocalTask type.
  • This is the subclass of SocketConnection that is created for TCP/IP sockets.
  • GThemedIcon is an implementation of Icon that supports icon themes.
  • A GThreadedSocketService is a simple subclass of SocketService that handles incoming connections by creating a worker thread and dispatching the connection to it by emitting the run signal] in the new thread.
  • TLS (Transport Layer Security, aka SSL) and DTLS backend. This is an internal type used to coordinate the different classes implemented by a TLS backend.
  • A certificate used for TLS authentication and encryption. This can represent either a certificate only (eg, the certificate received by a client from a server), or the combination of a certificate and a private key (which is needed when acting as a TlsServerConnection).
  • A set of flags describing TLS certification validation. This can be used to describe why a particular certificate was rejected (for example, in #GTlsConnection::accept-certificate).
  • GTlsClientConnection is the client-side subclass of TlsConnection, representing a client-side TLS connection.
  • GTlsConnection is the base TLS connection class type, which wraps a IOStream and provides TLS encryption on top of it. Its subclasses, TlsClientConnection and TlsServerConnection, implement client-side and server-side TLS, respectively.
  • GTlsDatabase is used to look up certificates and other information from a certificate or key store. It is an abstract base class which TLS library specific subtypes override.
  • Flags for g_tls_database_verify_chain().
  • GTlsFileDatabase is implemented by TlsDatabase objects which load their certificate information from a file. It is an interface which TLS library specific subtypes implement.
  • GTlsInteraction provides a mechanism for the TLS connection and database code to interact with the user. It can be used to ask the user for passwords.
  • An abstract interface representing a password used in TLS. Often used in user interaction such as unlocking a key storage token.
  • Various flags for the password.
  • GTlsServerConnection is the server-side subclass of TlsConnection, representing a server-side TLS connection.
  • This SocketControlMessage contains a Credentials instance. It may be sent using SocketExtManual::send_message() and received using SocketExtManual::receive_message() over UNIX sockets (ie: sockets in the G_SOCKET_FAMILY_UNIX family).
  • A GUnixFDList contains a list of file descriptors. It owns the file descriptors that it contains, closing them when finalized.
  • This SocketControlMessage contains a UnixFDList. It may be sent using SocketExtManual::send_message() and received using SocketExtManual::receive_message() over UNIX sockets (ie: sockets in the G_SOCKET_FAMILY_UNIX family). The file descriptors are copied between processes by the kernel.
  • GUnixInputStream implements InputStream for reading from a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations. (If the file descriptor refers to a socket or pipe, this will use poll() to do asynchronous I/O. If it refers to a regular file, it will fall back to doing asynchronous I/O in another thread.)
  • Defines a Unix mount entry (e.g. /media/cdrom). This corresponds roughly to a mtab entry.
  • Defines a Unix mount point (e.g. /dev). This corresponds roughly to a fstab entry.
  • GUnixOutputStream implements OutputStream for writing to a UNIX file descriptor, including asynchronous operations. (If the file descriptor refers to a socket or pipe, this will use poll() to do asynchronous I/O. If it refers to a regular file, it will fall back to doing asynchronous I/O in another thread.)
  • Support for UNIX-domain (also known as local) sockets, corresponding to struct sockaddr_un.
  • Entry point for using GIO functionality.
  • The GVolume interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted. Note, when porting from GnomeVFS, GVolume is the moral equivalent of GnomeVFSDrive.
  • GVolumeMonitor is for listing the user interesting devices and volumes on the computer. In other words, what a file selector or file manager would show in a sidebar.
  • GLib type: GObject with reference counted clone semantics.
  • GZlibCompressor is an implementation of Converter that compresses data using zlib.
  • GZlibDecompressor is an implementation of Converter that decompresses data compressed with zlib.


  • An enumeration for well-known message buses.
  • Results returned from g_converter_convert().
  • Enumeration describing different kinds of native credential types.
  • Enumeration used to describe the byte order of a D-Bus message.
  • Header fields used in #GDBusMessage.
  • Message types used in #GDBusMessage.
  • #GDataStreamByteOrder is used to ensure proper endianness of streaming data sources across various machine architectures.
  • #GDataStreamNewlineType is used when checking for or setting the line endings for a given file.
  • Enumeration describing how a drive can be started/stopped.
  • GEmblemOrigin is used to add information about the origin of the emblem to #GEmblem.
  • Used by g_file_set_attributes_from_info() when setting file attributes.
  • The data types for file attributes.
  • Specifies what type of event a monitor event is.
  • Indicates the file’s on-disk type.
  • Error codes returned by GIO functions.
  • Memory availability warning levels.
  • #GMountOperationResult is returned as a result when a request for information is send by the mounting operation.
  • The host’s network connectivity state, as reported by #GNetworkMonitor.
  • Priority levels for #GNotifications.
  • #GPasswordSave is used to indicate the lifespan of a saved password.
  • Return value for various IO operations that signal errors via the return value and not necessarily via a #GError.
  • An error code used with G_RESOLVER_ERROR in a #GError returned from a #GResolver routine.
  • The type of record that g_resolver_lookup_records() or g_resolver_lookup_records_async() should retrieve. The records are returned as lists of #GVariant tuples. Each record type has different values in the variant tuples returned.
  • An error code used with G_RESOURCE_ERROR in a #GError returned from a #GResource routine.
  • Describes an event occurring on a #GSocketClient. See the #GSocketClient::event signal for more details.
  • The protocol family of a #GSocketAddress. (These values are identical to the system defines AF_INET, AF_INET6 and AF_UNIX, if available.)
  • Describes an event occurring on a #GSocketListener. See the #GSocketListener::event signal for more details.
  • A protocol identifier is specified when creating a #GSocket, which is a family/type specific identifier, where 0 means the default protocol for the particular family/type.
  • Flags used when creating a #GSocket. Some protocols may not implement all the socket types.
  • The client authentication mode for a #GTlsServerConnection.
  • Flags for g_tls_interaction_request_certificate(), g_tls_interaction_request_certificate_async(), and g_tls_interaction_invoke_request_certificate().
  • The type of TLS channel binding data to retrieve from #GTlsConnection or #GDtlsConnection, as documented by RFC 5929 or RFC 9266. The tls-unique-for-telnet binding type is not currently implemented.
  • Flags for g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_for_handle(), g_tls_database_lookup_certificate_issuer(), and g_tls_database_lookup_certificates_issued_by().
  • An error code used with G_TLS_ERROR in a #GError returned from a TLS-related routine.
  • #GTlsInteractionResult is returned by various functions in #GTlsInteraction when finishing an interaction request.
  • The TLS or DTLS protocol version used by a #GTlsConnection or #GDtlsConnection. The integer values of these versions are sequential to ensure newer known protocol versions compare greater than older known versions. Any known DTLS protocol version will compare greater than any SSL or TLS protocol version. The protocol version may be Unknown if the TLS backend supports a newer protocol version that GLib does not yet know about. This means that it’s possible for an unknown DTLS protocol version to compare less than the TLS protocol versions.
  • When to allow rehandshaking. See g_tls_connection_set_rehandshake_mode().
  • The type of name used by a #GUnixSocketAddress. Path indicates a traditional unix domain socket bound to a filesystem path. Anonymous indicates a socket not bound to any name (eg, a client-side socket, or a socket created with socketpair()).
  • Used to select the type of data format to use for #GZlibDecompressor and #GZlibCompressor.



  • Starts acquiring @name on the bus specified by @bus_type and calls @name_acquired_handler and @name_lost_handler when the name is acquired respectively lost. Callbacks will be invoked in the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] of the thread you are calling this function from.
  • Like g_bus_own_name() but takes a #GDBusConnection instead of a #GBusType.
  • Starts watching @name on the bus specified by @bus_type and calls @name_appeared_handler and @name_vanished_handler when the name is known to have an owner respectively known to lose its owner. Callbacks will be invoked in the [thread-default main context][g-main-context-push-thread-default] of the thread you are calling this function from.
  • Like g_bus_watch_name() but takes a #GDBusConnection instead of a #GBusType.
  • Runs a blocking I/O task on the I/O thread pool.